The Past

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Kara POV

It was night, dark, and the streets were abandoned. Walking home from work, which was horrible as Cat just yelled at me all day, I saw this black cat, it reminded me of Streaky, my first pet...ever.

I followed it into a small alleyway. I grabbed it and I checked for a name tag. It said 321 Stoples Rd. It wasn't a long walk from here. I ran all the way there, using super speed.

When I got there, I knocked on the door.
No response,
I knocked again,
no response.
I knocked one last time, this time it opened.

I saw a women, gray hair, yellow sharp teeth, her eyes were gray and she was wearing a long black hoodie.

"Sorry mamm to bother you this late, but I found your cat on the road and I wanted to give it back as soon as possible." I said.

" Oh thank you dear." She said, her voice was all cracked, and high pitched, yet it was low. I handed her the cat and I was on my way when she called out to me." Miss?" She asked.

I looked back and started walking back," Do you need anything?" I asked.

"Oh no, not at all, I just wanted to hand you a thank you." That warmed my heart, but the women kind of frightened me,

"No, that's all right, I don't help out for rewards." I said and started walking back.

This time she grabbed my hand  and I turned to face her. "Sorry, but I have to hand you a thank you, this cat means a lot to me." she said and put her hand in her pocket.

Her hand came out and I saw a green stone that I was to familiar with.

"H-how do you have kryptonite?" I asked.

"That's the least of your problems, Kara- Zorel."

I started to feel dizzy, my head started pounding, louder and louder each second. My palms started sweating like crazy and my intestines started to feel all soggy and it burned like hell itself. It felt more potent then normal. Before I could do anything, the women stabbed the kryptonite into my thigh and I fell down with a loud thump. My eyes saw nothing except the darkness.

Hey everyone, this is my first ever post here, please tell me if you enjoyed the story and something I should improve on. Also if you write a plot down here, I will try to write it to the best of my abilities. Thank you for reading and enjoy your day/night/afternoon/whatever time period you are out. Love you all. (By the way, this will be the length of most of the stories, comment down below in any of the ones I write, if I should make it into a real story; full story.)

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