The Giddy Superhero

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Kara POV

I was playing with my fingers and hair while everyone else just stared at me. I felt bubbly and full of energy, but I had to stay seated, for some reason.

"What's wrong with her?" Nia asked and I just stared at her.

"T-there's n-nothing...wrong with me!!!" I said happily and stumbled on my words.

"There is something wrong with her. What did you guys do?" Nia asked and Alex stepped up, she did nothing to me.

"Well... another Bizarro came back and the only way to defeat Bizarro is periwinkle kryptonite, which is like green kryptonite for Bizarro. We didn't know what effects it would have on Kara but we had to try something. So when we came back, she was all... giddy and stuff." Alex said and I looked at her confused.

"I-I d-don't...feel di-dif-different, at-t all." I complained happily and with excitement.

"How do we get her back to normal?" Nia asked.

"I AM NORMAL!!!" I yelled and then shut my mouth, " I meant to say, I am normal." I said and smiled happily, then I giggled.

"What?" Alex asked, then Nia looked at me.

"Y-you guys, you guys are hilarious." I said, still giggling.

Then out of nowhere, the emergency button started beeping, Alex and NIa went to the computer, while I just sat on the bed living my best life.

"Downtown fire." I heard Alex say, she turned to me, but I wasn't there. I flew to the fire and stayed there."She can't be seen out there, not like this."Alex complained.

"Well, let's go get her then, before she does anything stupid." Nia said, already putting on her costume, and so did Alex.

While they were coming, I was flying, blowing away the fire. Once I was done, I heard many claps and thanks. I went to the floor and I saw people's surprised faces, I've never actually gone in front of people because I didn't want them to know my secret identity. Today was different, I felt good and fearless. I jumped and started to high five people, give hugs, pictures, and everything.I was still talking to some people when more people came since they heard I was talking to the civilians. I think they noticed something was wrong because next thing I knew, people were crowding me and asking if I were okay.

"Y-yeah...I'm fine." I responded still stumbling. I guess they weren't buying it since I wasn't speaking with my normal strong voice, my voice was breaking and stumbling. They also noticed I was smiling a lot.

"Are you sure you're okay, you look well...different. You're smiling, your stumbling and mumbling words, do you need to go to a hospital or something." A random woman asked.

"I'm fine, t-tr-truthfully." Just as I said that, Alex and Nia came out of nowhere.

"C'mon Supergirl, we need to try to figure out what's wrong with you." Alex said, her voice almost begging.

"I told you, it?I-I'm fine."

"No you are not, we are trying to help you." Nia's voice finally said. The dream girl didn't know why Kara was behaving so stubborn, but she knew she had to find out why.

"Supergirl told us she's fine, maybe she's just in a good mood." A man said, looking at what was happening.

Hey ladies and gentlemen, I've done pretty deep stories so far, so I wrote i light one, it's also longer than the others. Don't forget to tell me some plots to write so I can right them. Thank you everyone hope you enjoy, if you have any questions or something, text me here, on Wattpad. Thank you for reading. Enjoy the rest of your day, however long it can be,

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