The Kryptonite Betrayal

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3rd POV

Right after the interview with the whole world revealing who she is, Kara felt very pleased with herself. She looked at Cat Grant and started to feel dizzy. She ignored the thought and said,"how do you think the interview went?"

"Kara, I think you should be very happy about what you've accomplished so much these days, heck you even made me proud." Cat Grant looked at her with a smirk.

Kara started to feel dizzy that her eyes couldn't seem to stay in place. Cat noticed and started to attempt to comfort her. Her eyes began to turn green as her veins were glowing. Kara felt so weak she fell from her chair and lost consciousness.

Cat Grant was looking at Kara with deep concern. Then out of nowhere, some random men walked in with guns and started to drag Kara's broken body. Kara moaned in pain. Everyone looked at her and didn't know what to do.

"W-what are... you? '' Kara couldn't finish her sentence. She felt so weak. She cried in pain she had never felt more hurt. Then she passed out.

She woke up in a black room when suddenly a familiar face walked in," Hello Kara." Kara looked shocked and then a pain in her stomach she cried and cried but it just felt worse. Lena approached her and punched her in the face.

Kara felt blood dripping down from her face, she was so scared." W-why are you do-ingg...this." Kara mumbled in a whisper, her voice all broken. Kara's stomach felt like it was melting, all her organs felt like they turned to liquid.

Lena answered." I'm doing this so you could feel the same hurt I've felt. Did you really think I was willing to forgive you just like that?" Kara cried silent tears as she screamed and screamed in pain." I was only pretending to forgive to know all your weaknesses, you, your friend. You're all so pathetic.

"What... are you... going to" Kara said as she drowned and melted away in pain as she tried to get up." What did you do... to Cat?" Kara somehow was still awake feeling like she would puke an second know

"I don't need to kill you, and Cat's fine but you won't be." Lena left the room and closed the door.

Kara tried to look for a way out but she couldn't move her legs felt like jelly. Out of nowhere green gas came into the room. Kara knew what it was immediately." ALEX!!!" Was the last word she was able to say before passing out. 

Lena came into the room when she saw Kara passed out on the floor shaking," I'm sorry Kara, I didn't want to do this but the way you hurt me is unforgiving." Lena said in a whisper. Lena took some of Kara's blood and called someone to drag her out into the street. Since it was night, no one would be out so late.

At the tower. Alex was passing around. She was worried about Kara's safety.

" Alex, come here, it's a kryptonite radiation alert." Jonn said in a very serious voice which he used when Kara or Alex was in danger.

"Where is it?" Alex said knowing that this could be related to Kara's disappearance.

"It's coming from L-Corp." Jonn said with a little worry  in his voice.

Alex, Jonn, Brainy, and Nia headed over there. They all stopped to see a body on the road. Nia headed out and said," Oh my god, it's Kara!" Nia was in shock. She looked in everyone else's direction." She's in bad condition. It looks like her eyes are green." Kara's eyes were weirdly open. She was shivering because of the cold.

Then Kara started to shake not from the cold,"She's crashing." Brainy said in a serious tone.

Jonn came closer to examine her and then flew. He flew away so fast carrying everyone else with him. They went to the Tower and everyone was so scared. They put her on a sun bed. Alex came close to see a mark on Kara's face. It looks like someone punched her Alex thought as she was looking.

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