Ace grinned under the mask, knowing exactly what just happened. Trying to contain her laugh she looked down on the man.

"0h-" She broke, starting to laugh whole heartedly, "H0₩ f|@ttering!"

Alastor stared at the glitching entity.

"Wh¥ don't I make you 0-0-0one then? I'll free y0u, break that deal. And you're in better hands, hm? Perhaps even fre-€-e if they catch me ¤gain!" She laughed. Alastor's eyes fell, was she supposed to know that? Nope. Did he question it? "No, thank you!"

"W€ll-" She coughed, clearing her throat and catching her breath, "Well then." She calmed down and put the rose from in the sky to over her eye. She frowned when it fell again. She laughed at herself, knowing that looked stupid, she crushed the Rose agressively and let the dead flower pedals fall down to the floor.

"Come, I'll show you your room."

"Done with the tour so soon, darling?"

"Afraid so. I have a meeting."

The two peacefully walked out of the greenhouse and into the hallways. They quietly thought about their interactions, the taller demon knowing neither of them had a part of their plan caving in.

Why was Ace's plan going? Well, she was obviously trying to forget about her time alive. Which was Milennia ago. But now, Ace recognized this demon from her second life. A life she shortly lived but regretted actions from dearly.

"You are very lucky to be here. We just cleared out a gorgeous room," Alastor preached. Ace snapped out of her thoughts wandering around her second life like she was walking a street there, she nodded, "I'm very interested. Are there any other residents I have to watch out for¿"

Alastor walked up another flight of stairs, and was met by Ace already standing there like she had been there for some time. "I have mentioned Angel Dust before, haven't I? He's quite the figure."

"Can't wait."

"There's Also Husker, Vaggie, and Nifty. All of them are workers here just like myself." He explained. The two approached a door on the far left of the Hotel in the very corner, "Here's your quarters." He handed her the key that dropped into her long claws. Ace bowed as a thank you, Alastor returned the gesture before silently nodding a goodbye and turning around to leave. "Thank you, dear," Ace waved off and entered her room after she said goodbye to the other demon.

Well, that was definitely interesting.

Alastor was definitely the same as her on the outside. A powerful ovelord, sadistic, old fashioned, mannered, and both a huge smile on their faces. Though, Hers was permanent, his wasn't. Not that she knew anyway.

But they definitely had different personalities and opinions. Which was good.. They'd get along well. Ace could predict They'd be acquintancies.

She finally got aware of her surroundings, looking around the room and finding it close to a room of a VIP section in a hotel on earth. Peculiar.

The carpet was a dark brown, the walls a beet colour that radiated a certain ambiance into the room that fit the name Hell. A crystal chandelier with new to be burnt candles, and the bed immediately infront of her with a giant window behind it. It was a queen bed with red sheets and black pillows that looked as soft as a hell hound.

To the left was an open door leading to a pretty big bathroom. To the right was a closet and a desk with a mirror above it to do your makeup. There was a coat hanger to her right- There was a robe on it. It was a matt black and red stitches. You could imagine the rest of the room. It was standard for such luxury.

Would she stay here? Sure! She had gotten curious on the people. Would she need this room to be absolutely safe? Yeah. She raised a hand, opening it with a majestic glow coming into her hands. She started striding around the room on the lookout for any hidden cameras or other spy equipment- To her surprise none being present. She instead glitched a couple of secure locks onto the door she'd be sure would keep anyone out unless they blew in the door. She hung a card on her ceiling above her bed with some magic.

After she was certain everything was secure, she added a minimal amount of outfits and necessities into the closet and desk. All with her magic.

Truth was, she didn't know exactly how much of her skills she lost in the time she was locked away. She had certainly become weaker- The two gaping holes on her back had healed, and she'd have to rip open her back again to pull out her wings. It was a gruesome sight- And one people couldn't refuse. She used it as an intimidation. But now, she wasn't looking forward to having to do that.

People had recommended she let her wings out, but why? It didn't suit her attire. She didn't even know why as a demon she was given wings. Maybe there was no reason for it. That'd make more sense.

She sat in the window sill and gazed out onto the streets. She used to live on a property on this street, which most likely burnt down by now. But she had been in Lucifer's 'castle' for over 500 years now. She did think of him as a genuine friend, and he acted like it- He wasn't even the one who tied her down. It was one of the Overlords tied to Lucifer.

She laughed, Ace had ended up working for the king, how ironic. Now she had disappeared from his sight- Would he notice how she wouldn't be around the palace any longer? Possibly.

She did have cards around the castle, so if she desired, she could travel there.

For now she decided to settle into her room. It was pretty late in hell time, and she was planning on going out, walking around the streets and potentially - If she was bored enough - Visit Lucy.

Thinking how she was an older overlord, she realized she had no connections that'd she'd recognize. She knew for a certain her old ties had burnt and that new generations had popped up- Or people she knew had died in exterminations. That thought tugged at her heart strings.

Maybe she'd stay in, taking a moment to actually process that. She'd never shown much emotions, and was pretty manipulative as she kept her cool. But for that she had dug many holes and buried her feelings- But maybe these new times would require for her to actua-

H/\h@h♡!! HAH. Nope. Shut your mouth, narrarator, that's stupid.


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