𝕁𝕦𝕦 𝕊𝕒𝕟 (completed)

Start from the beginning

"I'm afraid not..."

"...please... Y/n... Stay"

"Even if you say... Thank you for being... There... In the rest of my... Lives..." You muttered as the phone slipped from your hand.

The phone crashed down to the floor and split open.

Your hazy eyes stare at the formed that is coming towards you but you have no energy left.

Blood fell from your mouth and dripped to the floor as your heartbeat slowed down.


You could no longer hear your hazy eyes stare at the brunette-like thing in your vision.

you don't know nor you could think much as your mind was dying... Perhaps...

Yet with the last ounce of energy you could muster you hold up your hand on top of the person in front of you which you know... Or somehow think.

"...thank... You... For..." You muttered as your hand fell to the side the person held your hand firmly and seemed to be talking to you perhaps for you to retain your consciousness.

You finally spoke the final word...

"My... Student... Osamu Dazai..."

Dazai watched your eyes go dull with the final word as tears dripped down from his eyes to the floor as he shook his head slightly.

"S-sensei? Wake up... Please you... Can't die here leaving me... Sensei..." Muttering Dazai as his hand held your face and he tried to shake you awake of some sort.

"Please..." Mutter Dazai as he hugged your corpse.

The fire seemed to be dying down but that wasn't his concern... He wishes to be burned to death with your corpse here.

His eyes flickered down to the form as his eyes stared at the person he recognized.

Impaled and seemingly dead with a child she hugged so dearly.

His eyes went back to yours as he noticed the blood dried from your lips.

"Why? Why would you choose to die... With them?"


"...Was it too much to ask... To be with me? Was it too for you... To live with me... I... wanted to live with you just more yet... You take it away... Sensei... I love you... " said Dazai as he hugged your corpse tighter as the fire seemed to lessen with the help of the other members...

But he doesn't want them to rescue him now... He already lost his will to live... Perhaps... He should have been the one to kill you... Instead, kill each other if... You choose this...

"I love you... In every universe... Sensei"


But unfortunately, Dazai was brought back safely before the police Dazai took away your hairpin as he could not carry your corpse back.

Living a little... More he thought to himself...  For the sake of your last words...

Just a few more days... And he will be reunited with you...



Sakunosuke Oda did not receive any call from his colleague for a week (not pick their call up) as he was grief-stricken by the news forecast about the fire.

𝘈𝘭𝘤𝘩𝘦𝘮𝘪𝘴𝘵 [𝖡𝖾𝖺𝗌𝗍 𝖠𝗎, 𝖡𝗌𝖽] (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now