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"So... is Beckett going to make it?" Mind asked from across the table as she passed on the bowl of salad to Becky.

"No, he thought he could. But he called yesterday saying he's got too many assignments piled up and needs to complete them over the weekend..." Becky said as she received the bowl from her sister and served her wife's plate first and then her own, and then passed it over to Heidi.

"I told him, if he would just manage his time and start his assignments the same day they're given to him, he wouldn't always be in this fix!" Emily grumbled.

"Oh come on, we've all done what he's doing, admit it." Freen said, smiling to herself. "Bebe ka, you never completed your assignments in time either na..." Freen teased.

"I see your memories not only came back those years ago, but they came back in high resolution!" Becky retorted in jest and everyone laughed. Freen hit her playfully and Becky leaned in to kiss her cheek.

"So... Nita, do you have the same classes as Emi?" Mind asked. All eyes turned to the young woman sitting beside Emily.

"Uhh mai cai ka, I'm actually two year older, we know each other through the football team." The girl spoke confidently.

"Oh that's wonderful na..." Mind said. "I'm so glad Emi finally brought you along with her, she's mentioned you a couple of times and we were all so excited to finally meet you." Mind said.

"Thank you for having me over na, I know this day was supposed to be an all-family day..." Nita began.

"Cai... that's why you're here, Nita." Freen said, reassuringly. The smile that came upon the girl's face was radiant.

Everyone noticed Emily's hand shifting, she was probably reaching out to hold her girlfriend's hand under the table and it truly was sweet.

Becky looked over at Freen and gave her a knowing smile.

Emily had come out to them when she came home from college during her break between semesters. She told them that she's started having feelings for a senior in her football team and that they had gone out on a few dates and it was simply magical.

Of course Freen and Becky had been supportive of it from the get-go. And after they'd first met Nita, they'd been reassured that their daughter had found a genuine person, with a big heart just like her own.

This was the first time the rest of them were meeting her though, and Emily had expressed to Freen and Becky that Nita had been super nervous to meet all of them. But from the minute she entered Nam and Mind's home and was introduced to everyone, she'd been the sweetest, most charming personality and they could all see just how much she cared for Emily.

"Well, thank you, once again, for having me, I've heard so much about each of you from Emily. It's like I've known you all for years." Nita said.

Nam laughed and replied, "Well, good, at least we don't have to worry about filling you in on all the drama."

They laughed and continued eating, all of them sharing stories and anecdotes, catching up on each others lives. Sam had grown older now too, he was sitting right beside Nam and Mind's a year old's little daughter.

Little Meena suddenly began to cry and Nam picked her out of her chair and tried to figure out what was wrong, cooing at her little baby girl and rubbing her back.

"Sam luk, did you worry MeeMee?" Freen asked her boy.

"No Mama, I swear it wasn't me this time!" Sam said, throwing his hands up in the air.

"It's okay na ka, she's probably just tired." Nam assured Freen. "It wasn't you, P'Sam, don't worry na..." Nam told the little guy.

"Give her to me, I'm done with dinner anyway, I'll keep her entertained while you guys finish up. And then I'll bring you'll dessert." Mind said as she took Meena from her wife's arms and walked into the living room.

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