Chapter 15

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Freen was momentarily distracted form her dance when she heard a noise. Nam had tripped over something. She excused herself from where she was dancing with Prise, Billy and Babe and walked towards her over-enthusiastic, drunk friend Nam.

"Are you okay, P'Nam?" Freen said with mirth.

"I'm finnneee, nongg..."

"I hope so..."

"I'm going to kiss her today, nong!"


"Mind!" Nam said with a confident smile. Staring into the distance.

Freen caught her line of sight and saw her staring at Mind hungrily, Mind who she now noticed was talking to Becky.

"You should kiss her too na?" Nam said lazily.

"What?!?" Freen said in shock.

"Becbec. You should kiss Becbec. I'll kiss Mind!" Nam said.

Freen laughed. Her friend never filtered herself, and under the influence of drinks, she was worse off.

Freen stared at Becky. She wanted so bad to go up to her and kiss her. After that one kiss they shared, Freen couldn't stop thinking about whether Becky was finally letting her in. Even with her anger and all of it.

"Let me get you a glass of water." Freen told Nam, wanting to go over to where Becky was with some excuse so that she could start a conversation.

But Nam clearly didn't pick up on that. "No, you stay put, I'm getting you some more beer, birthday girl. You need liquid courage for a kiss!"

Freen wanted to stop her, but was distracted by a call on her phone, it was her Mae again. Freen hurried outside to take it.


"So. You were saying Freen has never mentioned a lover?" Becky said as she took a big sip of her drink in one go, resuming a conversation with Friend.

"Oh no, she did mention a name once, but I don't think it was yours, Becky."

"What do you mean?" Becky was now curious to know what Freen had talked to Friend about. She had a lover?

"I don't know... I think she mentioned a guy's name once... uhhh... Heng... Cheng..."

"Seng." Becky said for her.

"Seng! Cai! Seng..!"

Becky would have liked to blame the feeling in her tummy on the excess alcohol. But deep down she knew, it was back. The anger. The whole reason she didn't want to be here today.

Flashes of Freen's phone came back to her, of when she saw those messages from Seng, of when Freen didn't deny that it was true, of how Freen may have taken off her locket while taking her clothes off for him. Becky's fists tightened. Friend was still talking, but she couldn't care less now.

She didn't want to be here. She didn't want to look at Freen, she didn't want to be anywhere near her, and she didn't want to talk to her either. She was about to excuse herself and leave, when Nam caught onto her hand and Friend's and pulled them forward saying, "Time for truth or dare!"

Becky's eyes caught Freen's entering through the door with her phone. Okay, fine, she'll stay, she thought, but she wasn't going to make this easy for anyone. Especially not Freen.

"We'll be right there, P'Nam." Becky said with a lazy smirk. She then took Friend's hand, it surprised even Friend. And said, "Save me a spot near you, I'll be right there."

It was 11 pm now, the music was turned way down low, and everyone was seated around the living room, laughing and talking.

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