Chapter 36

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7.30 am the next morning, when Freen awoke, Becky was already up before her, watching her sleep.

"I have to go for a run, bebe..." Freen mumbled.

"Good morning to you too na ka, tiirak..."

Freen chuckled and kissed her lover.

"Don't go today na? You should give your body good rest on days of your period."

"I know. But I like running."

"More than spending the morning in bed with me?"

"Ka, not more than that."

The soft rays of the mornings sunlight peeking in through the curtains was creating a beautiful dim light in their room, making Freen look even more angelic than she already was.

"Aww? Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Can I take your top off?" Becky asked.

It caught Freen by surprise, they hadn't really done anything in their bed recently other than kissing and caressing, was today going to be the day that changes?

Freen nodded, and Becky helped pull the spaghetti off over her head. Becky's eyes darkened.

"I... it's been a while..." Freen said nervously.

Freen was conscious about her body in the bright day light. She wasn't sure what to do with her hands. This was the first time since they've gotten back together that Becky was looking at her body in proper day light, not covered by the darkness of the night, or the water in a bath tub.

Becky's hand wandered, on her waist, up over her breasts. Freen shivered. Then Becky's fingers traced the stretch marks near Freen's belly.

"They won't go..."

"Shhhh... they're beautiful..." Becky said and leaned down to kiss over them softly. It was overwhelming, too overwhelming.

"I wish you had been there on the day he was born... I wish he could have met you then...."

"Shhhh baby... everything happens for a reason, maybe we wouldn't have worked out, maybe we would have imploded. This was meant to be... we have to believe that na..."

"I want to tell you so much, about the last few months when he started kicking, responding to my voice, responding to P'Nam's voice..."

Becky chuckled into Freen's skin as she kissed her way up. Freen lost all ability to speak when Becky's lips found her nipples. Freen moaned with ever suck, bite and tug. Becky hand wandered lower down her body, caressing her thighs, and slowly moving between them.

Freen's body was responding beautifully, her back arched at the touch of Becky's fingers over her shorts, right at the apex of her thighs.

"No!" Freen stopped her.

"Come on, I know how horny you get on your period." Becky teased.

"But it's going to be our first time... well our second first time... and I want it to be when I'm not bleeding out na...?"

"Okay dai..." Becky chuckled and resumed making love to Freen's breasts.

"Besides, I think I remember your talented lips could make me come just from fondling my breasts."

"Been there, done that. Challenge accepted!"


They showered together that morning. Made breakfast and then left to drop the kids off at school. They each took their own car and went separate ways. They had discussed putting both the kids in the same school next year onwards, but were yet to make a final decision and also talk to the kids about it.

Everything To Lose ( FreenxBecky)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum