Chapter 3

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When Becky's eyes opened, they were met with their bedside clock on their bedside table. 11.30 am it said. Becky almost panicked, thinking she was super late from work, when she remembered she'd asked for a few days off, personal leave so that she could give all her time to Freen, to really figure out what's been bothering her.

Freen. Her Freen.

Becky turned around, needing to kiss her lover good morning, but was met with an empty side of the bed. Becky closed her eyes. Wasn't she promised a heavy make-out session this morning? But then she took a deep inhale only to smell an aroma of breakfast.

Freen made breakfast. After 2 weeks. Freen made breakfast again. She must have done something right last night.

Becky got out of bed, put on her robe and stepped into the bathroom for a shower. Once she was done, she put on her favourite jeans and one of Freen's painting t-shirts and headed downstairs, knowing that even though they would sit together and enjoy breakfast, they still needed to talk.

Becky caught a few moments to herself, where Freen hadn't realized Becky was down. She stared at Freen, who was deep in thought, staring down at the pancakes she had just plated.

"Get you a wife who looks at you the way Freen Sarocha looks at her freshly made pancakes." Becky teased as she sat across from Freen on a bar stool, leaning in for a good morning kiss. Freen obliged with a laugh at her quip. "Pancakes... you must really have enjoyed last night."

"Umm... They're actually a thank you..."

Becky hurried to say, "I know what pancakes the morning after means, babe."

But Freen continued, "And an apology... but they're not enough..."

"I mean, I'm not going to hold a grudge because you weren't in bed to make out with me this morning, and I think there's enough pancakes here to feed a family of 4."

Freen snapped, "That's not what I mean!"

Becky just stared at Freen in surprise.

"I'm sorry, eat. We'll talk afterwards." She said.
Freen moved to walk away. "No, no. You're having breakfast with me."

"I have to..." Freen began to make some excuse.

"Don't babe, please..." Becky pleaded. And the look in her eyes, the sincerity.

Freen needed to stop. Stop running away from what needed to happen now. So she came around the kitchen island, sat beside her lover, kissed her cheek and said, "I'm here na, let's eat."

The smile on Becky's lips was worth it. Freen watched Becky eat, and ramble about her earlier day at work. She wanted to take in this moment and truly cherish it. It felt like they were back to day one in this, their home.

Back to when all she had to worry about was what aspect of Becky's personality would she sneak into her next work of art, or what she could make for dinner that Becky would truly enjoy, or how she could make Becky's night more special.

But here she was, dreading the moment this bubble would burst and Becky would remember once again that they had something to talk about. The bubble did burst. And Becky did remember. But it didn't pan out the way Freen had planned.

The house's phone began to ring. And it interrupted Becky's rant about a particular client. She started to get off her seat to take it, but Freen stopped her.

"Don't move, finish your breakfast, I'll get it." She said.

Becky nodded and mumbled a "thanks, babe." and continued with another bite of her stack of pancakes. She watched Freen pick up the phone and realize it was her Mae calling. Freen mouthed "Mae.." while pointing at the receiver end of the phone.

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