Chapter 44

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When Becky came back upstairs, she saw Khun Mae approaching from the corridor where the operation room was located. She went up to her as did Mind.

Nam made sure the kids stayed put with her, they didn't need to hear the details.

"What's going on? How is she? Is the operation over?"

"The most crucial part is over. Now it's just about patching her up, and making sure she stays stable. She's going to be under observation in the ICU for a few hours once she's out of the operation theatre."

"So is she out of danger?" Becky asked.

"Ka... mostly, but we need to wait a few hours to know for sure. Okay?" Khun Mae told her. Becky nodded.

She was partially relieved. The worse was over right. The complicated surgery was over. They were patching her up. Sending her to intensive care.

Becky took that moment to pull Khun Mae in for a hug. It seemed she needed it more than anything. Cause her body just leaned in and rested against her.

"You're tired, Mae... you should get some rest na? Just sit down for a little while." Becky said.

"Would you do it?" Khun Mae said with a soft smile.

"No. Not at this moment, Mae." Becky answered truthfully.

"Then you know my answer."

Becky nodded.


It was 12 am in the morning when they got news that Freen was out of the OT and in intensive care and out of danger, she was going to be okay. She was being closely monitored and things were looking up.

Becky needed a moment alone after the doctor leading the operation gave them the news. She disappeared to the wat herself and cried her lungs out until Mind came looking for her and held her sob-wracking body close whispering comforting words.

"She's going to be okay, she survived it. She's going to come home, nu." Mind repeated like a mantra in her head, needing her to be okay.

Soon enough, Becky insisted that the kids go home and sleep, and they could come back to see Freen if the docs permitted it in the morning. Mind convinced Nam to go with them because she needed the rest too.

Becky wasn't going to leave. So Nam was going to bring her a change of clothes when she came by in the morning, and an overnight bag in case she wants to stay the next night too.

Somewhere in the middle of the morning, a sleepless Becky convinced a nurse, to at least let her go near the ICU and peek inside, she just wanted to look at her wife, she just wanted to see her that's all. The kind nurse led her there. Becky stood by the door, looking through the small glass frame.

There she lay. Her queen, her fighter.

Unconscious, but still beautiful as ever. Her head was bandaged, there were tubes all around her, and monitors beeping all around her, but she was still, too still for Becky's liking.

Becky's only comfort, was the moving lines on the heart monitor, and the soft rise and fall of her wife's chest, indicating she was breathing, she was still alive, and she would be okay soon. She would be near her soon, she would kiss her and tell her how much she loves her, and how she would never lose her.


Becky woke up to the sound of a tray of instruments hitting the floor of the silent hospital from the hands of an intern. She sat up straighter and stretched in place. The kind nurse had offered her a visitor's bed a few floors down, but Becky did not want to be that far away, she chose to just sleep in the chair.

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