Chapter 1

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She turned the key in the lock of their apartment and closed the door behind her, immediately looking towards the kitchen to check if her partner was home.

"Freen ka? Babe, are you home?" She called out.

No answer. She sighed. Until 2 weeks ago, it was a common sight to come home after a hard day at work, to find Freen prepping up some new recipe she learned or simply sitting on the couch with her guitar playing some tunes to herself, or reading a book, something even the door opening wouldn't distract her from.

Becky hung her coat in the closet and walked in towards the kitchen island. She got herself a glass of water and texted Nam while sipping on it.

To P'Nam:
Hey phi, I'm sorry to bother you at this hour, but is Freen with you?

From P'Nam:
Hi, nong. It's no problem. Aww... mai cai, nong Freen isn't with me. What's up?

Becky felt embarrassed. She's supposed to know these things. It's supposed to be a thing between her and Freen. But Freen's been acting different off late. Very different. Distant would be a better word. Becky looked around the room once more, then finally pulled up Freen's name on speed dial and called her. It rang and it rang. But she didn't pick.

She quickly texted Nam.

To P'Nam:
Umm... nothing was just checking. I'm sure she's with P'Opp and the gang.

To which Nam quickly replied.

From P'Nam:
Alright na. Becbec ka, let me know if you need me okay? And please, tell me once she's home too.

To P'Nam:
Thanks P'Nam

Under normal circumstances, Becky would panic. Like she did the first day this happened. But 2 weeks in now, and she's picked up a pattern. It was 11pm now. Freen should be home in an hour or two. Her friends will drop her off. At least Becky hoped so. She wiped her face down in frustration, took a long breath and made her way upstairs to their bedroom. She needed a quick shower.

Freen's always been more social than her. Her job allowed it too. She was an extrovert by nature. Always meeting new people because her creativity and her love for the arts demanded it sometimes. Becky however preferred fewer social occasions. Being a lawyer by profession, she inevitably has to speak out and confidently before a lot of people. And she was damn good at it too. It was one of the things Freen loved so much about her.

Freen was always the one pushing her to come to parties with her. Not that she didn't enjoy it. She did. Especially when Freen got all buzzed with just a few beers and would get all clingy and affectionate. Becky loved those nights. But alcohol was beginning to become more of an enemy to their relationship. And Becky couldn't get it off her mind while she showered.

What was tonight's argument going to be about? What harsh things would they say to each other today? Is one of them going to end up sleeping on the couch again? The past two weeks have been stressful and Becky could not understand why Freen had changed, or rather what had changed between them.

Add to that all the new clients she's been allocated at work. With appraisal season just around the corner and her eyes on that big promotion, she was trying her best to give her everything to her work and still be here for Freen, whatever it is she's going through, whatever it is that's making her think she needs to get shit-faced drunk every night.

As hot water ran down her naked body, she closed her eyes and tried to focus on happier times. Sure they'd had bad days before too. Really bad days, they were a couple. Since high school. They've had their fair share of fights, break-ups and make ups, they'd cried together, made love together, grown up together and now, they'd been living together for 2 years. It's got to mean something right? Right?

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