"You had something you wanted to tell me, today at the cafe?" Freen suddenly remembered, as Becky switched off the corridor lights and they entered their bedroom.

Becky face visibly fell. "Oh cai..."

"Tell me now?" Freen said.

"Ka, sit down na..." Becky instructed her.

Freen sat on the edge of her side of the bed and Becky sat down beside her.

"The day the accident happened–"

"Hey... you already told me that what I saw in my dream wasn't true, you weren't at the wheel, I know that, Becky."

"Cai... but hear me out." Becky said. "I wasn't at the wheel, but I was definitely the reason why you were in that car at that time of day placed at that road where the truck hit you."

Freen looked so worried, Becky couldn't face her.

"Becky... look at me na..." Freen said.

Becky finally looked up and saw so much concern and love in her eyes.  

"Please be open with me." Freen said.

"We were fighting that day, we had a conversation about how I've been working too much and we've not had enough quality time together. And I told you I was home that day and if you could come home by 4, we'd get to spend some alone time together..."

"Okay.." Freen said, nodding her head.

"Well, work came up, and I had to go to the office. But I typed out the text to inform you not to rush yourself to get home by 4 and forgot to hit send. And I only realized that after you'd been hit..."

Becky was shaking. Re-telling this incident, re-living this incident always shook her up like this. It really was her fault. They wouldn't have had to go through any of this had she just...

"I'm sorry Freen, I'm so sorry... I was a horrible wife to you, I should have been there for you. I wish we've never had that argument that day, I wished I'd never have had to rush to work like that, I wish you never left the gallery early that day hoping that I was going to be home..."

"Baby... oh my god... baby..." Freen was cradling Becky's face in her soft palms. "Baby... this accident, this tragedy, was not your fault. I hate how much you've made yourself believe such a thing. The person at fault was the driver behind the wheel of that speeding truck. No one else. So what if I still don't remember everything? I remember enough to know you love me and this family with all your heart. You were trying to make the time even when work was bad, you were trying, and that's all that matters to me. That you care. You still care so much."

Becky was still shaking. Freen moved her fingers along Becky's cheek, caressed her face lovingly, "Take a deep breath baby, I'm here. I'm right here na... and I'm fine. I'm safe. and I'm not going anywhere."

She could feel Becky visibly relax by the second. She leaned in and grasped Becky's lips between hers and kissed ever so softly, letting her hands wander down Becky's arms.

"Let me make you feel good." She said against Becky's ears. And it caused a slight chuckle from Becky. Freen was proud. She let her hand graze over Becky's thighs.

"I'm ready na..." Freen said.

"For?" Becky asked.

"To make love to you." Freen said.

"Ka?" Becky teased.

"Ka..." Freen whispered at Becky ear again. She then pulled away, stood up, made her way to stand between Becky's legs and pushed her lightly to make her lay back on the bed.

Everything To Lose ( FreenxBecky)Where stories live. Discover now