The Audacious -21

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WC: 2390

After a moment of silence, Wei Wuxian said, "Let's stop standing around doing nothing. We'll pick a few people to go fetch help, and the rest will stay here to watch this thing. Those guqin strings won't be able to keep Chifeng-zun in the coffin for long."

A thunderous fury sounded from the coffin and Nie Huaisang shuddered.

Wei Wuxian cast a glance at him. "See? We Have to replace it immediately with an even more secure and solid coffin, and rebury it in a deep pit where it cannot be unearthed for at least a century. If it is opened, I guarantee the evil will persist, with endless trouble to follow..."

He had yet to finish his sentence when a clear, resounding bark rang out in the distance. Wei Wuxian's expression changed at once.

Jin Ling and Lan Tian both perked up calling to the dog, "Fairy!"

The claps of thunder had died down, and the downpour had already dwindled to a drizzle. The darkest hours of the night had already passed, and dawn was breaking.

The soaking wet black-dog pumped their legs and dashed towards them like a gust of black wind. Fairy pounced at Jin Ling knocking both him and Lan Tian to the ground.

Both of the teens laughed as they showered Fairy in attention.

A moment later, hundreds of people surrounded the Guanyin Temple. Each wore a vigilant expression, swords drawn as if ready to start killing at any moment. But when those leading the charge into the temple got a clear look at the scene before them, they were stunned. There were dead bodies sprawled everywhere the eye could see, and anyone who wasn't dead could barely stand upright. The temple grounds were littered with corpses and wreckage. Two people had led the charge swords at the ready. The one of the left was the Jiang Clan of Yunmeng's chief of affairs, while the one of the right was, astonishingly, Lan Qiren. Surprise and bewilderment were written on his face. Before he could open his mouth to ask questions, the first thing he saw was Lan Wangji, stuck so close to Wei Wuxian that they were almost one person. In that instant he forgot everything he had to say. Fury washed over his face. His long brows knitted, and his indignant huffing sent his beard quivering and bristling.

The chief of affairs hurried forward to support Jiang Cheng. "Sect Leader, are you all right..." He gave Lan Tian a hesitant look as many of the others did.

The Lan Clan cultivators in particular gave Lan Tian a stern look mentally shunning the teen. "Hey, don't look at me. Most of them were already dead when I got here...this time."

Lan Qiren raised his sword and bellowed, "Wei—"

he was cit off bu several figures in white who rushed out from behind him, yelling.




The last boy bumped into Lan Qiren, almost causing him to fall over. Smoking with anger from his seven apetures, he barked, "No hurried walking! No clamoring!"

Other than Lan Wangji, who greeted him with a "Shufu," and Lan Tian with only a small bow from their corner of the room, no one else paid him any mind.

Lan Sizhui grabbed Lan Wangji's sleeve with one hand and Wei Wuxian's arm with the other. "This is great! Hanguang-jun, Wei-quiabei, you're both okay!" he said with delight. "We saw how anxious Fairy was and thought you might be in a tricky situation."

The moment Lan Sizhui spotted Lan Tian he ran over to them and hugged them once they were upright again, "Ti Ti, are you okay? What's with all this blood?" he grabbed Lan Tian's hand to see a line of small bleeding crescents across their palm. "What happened to your hand? Are you bleeding anywhere else? Who did this to..."

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