The Forest of Trees -15

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WC: 1008

Three odd, load sounds followed shortly after, coming outside the temple door.




It sounded more like the pounding of skull against wood than fist against a door. Each bang was louder than the last, echoing throughout the temple. The sound of wood splitting too grew louder with the crack growing through the door's middle section. Jin Guangyao's expression was also growing more twisted by the second.

The bolt snapped with the fourth slam, heavy rain and a dark figure were reveled behind it.

Jin Guangyao jolted. He seemed to consider dodging, but very quickly suppressed the urge. The figure that flew in was not heading in his direction but rather Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji's. Moving with no particular hurry, both of them parted for a split second before coming back together in no time, standing shoulder to shoulder like it was the most natural thing in the world.

Wei Wuxian looked back. "Wen Ning?"

Wen Ning crashed into the temples Guanyin statue. He hung there for a moment with his head down and feet up before falling to he ground with a thud. Only then did he greet Wei Wuxian.


Jiang Cheng's and Jin Ling's expressions grew somewhat upset at the sight of him.

On the other hand, Nie Huaisang shouted, "Da-ge!"

Wen Ning's dynamic entrance aside...there was another figure standing at the temple doors. His silhouette was taller, sturdier, chiseled and solid, and his steely face had an ashen complexion. He stared at them with a dull, lifeless eyes.

It was none other than Chifeng-sun—Nie Mingjue!

His head was attached with a single thread as he stood before the temple.

"...Da-ge," Lan Xichen called out.

"...Da-ge..." Jin Guangyao murmured as well.

Lan Tian spoke in low voice while holding Jin Ling's hand tightly, "I'm sorry, I never wanted to come into your family after killing one of them, but I guess I'm more like Wei Wuxian than I thought."

"Lan Tian, I love you." Jin Ling spoke as his voice shook.

"I will love you forever, even beyond death." Lan Tian slowly let go of Jin Ling's hand leaving a red stream pouring from both their palms.

They walked slowly towards Jin Guangyao as both their conversation and movements were lost in and amongst the chaos.

Jin Guangyao's body began to shiver in Nie Mingjue's presence as his violent temper and unyielding character was at the forefront of his mind. The moment his body began to shake, so did his hand. And with his hand, the bloody guqin string he clutched began to quiver as well.

In a flash of light, Lan Tian drew Ortis and slashed down. In the blink of an eye they reached up and caught something from mid air.

Jin Guangyao's arm felt oddly light. Slightly stunned, he looked down only to realize that his right arm was gone—cleanly cut off at the forearm. What Lan Tian had caught was the severed hand, still gripping the lethal guqin string.

Blood erupted everywhere in an instant. Jin Gurangyao's face went ghastly pale with pain He didn't even have the strength to scream, but only staggered back a few steps. Unable to remain steady on his feet, he fell to the ground.

"You should have excepted my offer." Lan Tian said, sauntering over milking each word, "I'm not like my family, I feel no pity for you. Nor will I feel remorse when I sever the head of the man who threatened everything I love in this world."

A devilish smile grew on their face as they cut the string that was still attached to what was Jin Guangyao's hand. Su She's screams echoed behind them as Lan Tian tossed Jin Guangyao's hand and it stopped rolling right in front of his feet.

"If I were you, I'd prey to every god to ever exist that someone in this room cares enough about you to save you from the excruciating hell I'm about to put you through."

There was a split second when Lan Xichen looked like he wanted to go over and support Jin Guangyao, but in the end, he didn't dare move.

Jiang Cheng was just about to lung over to see if Jin Ling was injured but Wei Wuxian beat him to it. He grabbed Jin Ling's shoulders and examined him carefully. Only when he confirmed that the skin on Jin Ling's neck was undamaged, without so much as a scratch, did he heave a sigh of relief.

The spray of blood from Jin Guangyao's severed arm hit Jin Ling dead on, staining most of his body and part of his face with blood. He was still in a daze , yet to grasp just what had happened.

Wei Wuxian gave him a fierce hug. "Stay far away form such dangerous characters next time. What were you thinking, standing so close earlier, brat?!" he scolded.

Lan Tian grabbed the hair on Jin Guangyao's head and knelt down beside him to make him look towards the group. "You will never understand what you just cost me today." They lowered their voice to a whisper as it trembled with each word, "I promised that man," they said pointing at Jiang Cheng, "that I would stay away from his nephew, the man I love most, if he helped me save him today. But also that if he got put in any other danger because of me, that he'd personally make sure I never bother either of them again."

Lan Tian let go of Jin Guangyao as they lowered their head, "I think...I think I'm dying and because of you, I won't be able to spend my final days with the people I love most. I will hate you for the rest of what ever time I have left and beyond, and I will make sure you suffer well into the after life."

Tears streamed down their face as they picked up Jin Guangyao's hand, chucked it across the temple and walked away.

Jin Ling ran over to Lan Tian and embraced them in a hug, "It's okay Ti Ti, I'm okay. You saved me." he smiled reassuringly as he spoke.

"Your right." Lan Tian said choking down the bitter sweat feelings in their chest.

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