1.) What The Fuck Did I Get Myself Into This Time

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   You smiled as you watched your older sister on the TV. She finally had her interview on the 666 news station. You wished you could have been there for her but you had some business to attend. Charlie knew you would have been there if this hadn't been something important for you. Vaggie, Charlie's girlfriend would be there in case she needed any help. Charlie started singing as you walked away. You pulled up the collar of your jacket and chuckled to yourself.
   You were used to walking the streets of Hell by yourself but some of the signs made you cringe. You roll your eyes at the thought of seeing a demon's dick last week. That demon also got punched right in the mouth. That brought a smile to your lips. Charlie was the heavenly side of the genes while you on the other hand had taken the darker demon side. While you both could be quite the opposite when needed. You were always sweet to your sister and supported her in everything. Something that your parents hardly did. You or Charlie haven't spoken to your Mom in seven years. Dad called you maybe once a month but he recently moved into the hotel. You missed spending time with him. Before you could get emotional you found the porn studio.
   You took a deep breath, you hated having to meet with Valentino. This was something you dreaded every month. When you were younger you had met Valentino. He of course was one of the top overlords being part of the V's. You were always told by your father to never take shit from demons and by God you never did. Valentino had a contract with a demon staying at Charlie's hotel. This month you were going to convince Valentino that you wanted the demon's contract transferred to you as well as get the money he owed.
   Since the extermination had stopped thanks to your sister and well everyone in the hotel you didn't see much of the overlords. You made a contract on a piece of land that you owed where now sat a strip club Valentino owed. He paid you thousands of dollars monthly to have the strip club there. After all, it was his busiest spot, right in the strip. He had his business partner message you all those years ago to try to buy that spot. Instead, you drew up a contract to say he could lease the property. Valentino wasn't happy but the contract was signed. That's why you came to the porn studio each month instead of having the money sent to your bank. You loved to see his reaction each month to your meeting.
   You pushed the door open and walked up to the receptionist.

"Hello, I am here for a meeting with Valentino," I said not happy to be standing here. The receptionist looked up from her computer and pushed her chest out.

"I'm sorry but Val has canceled all his appointments today due to a shoot." Her smile was too wide to be real. She was new, none of the previous receptionists would have called him Val.

"Well, I wasn't informed. Let Valentino know I will be in the VIP lounge waiting for our meeting." I walked away as I heard her tell me to stop. I walked past the security guards who nodded at me. They knew the routine. I was here every month at the same time and nothing was going to stop me.
   I walked into the VIP lounge and was greeted by one of the girls. She had a fake smile and went to get me an unopened bottle of champagne. I wasn't that big of a drinker when I was in Valentino's present but I needed something today. I was feeling my blood start to boil since no one told me about Valentino's schedule change. I opened the bottle and poured myself a drink and asked the young demoness to leave. I looked at my phone impatiently waiting. I took a sip of the champagne. I would only drink unopened bottles when at this stupid studio. I didn't trust anyone here to now put something in the open bottles to "help loosen up". I rolled my eyes at the possibility of being drugged by that stupid moth.
   The door slammed open,
"Who the fuck..." his words stopped mid-sentence when he saw it was me on his couch drinking the champagne.

"Hello my dear" his voice dripped with venom. I knew he was pissed that I pulled him away from his shoot but I was here for my meeting.

"Hello, Valentino I know you were busy as the receptionist told me but I was not informed. I am here for our monthly meeting." I didn't look up and scrolled on my phone.

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