Chapter:7, Detention.

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I come into detention and sit in the back corner of the room. It looks like Aaron is here as well, he sits on the other side of the room.

"You two again!" The teacher yells. We just sat there zoned out. "Welp, I'm gonna go to sleep" Says the teacher then he just falls on the floor.

"Beep, Beep!" Oh no Shu's texting me and FC.

"Beep, Beep!" Looks like Aaron's phone is going off too.


Shu: "Hey Alpha, Hey FC!" Shu says with a waving emoji with it.

FC: " Sorry Shu, I can't talk right now." Says FC,

Alpha:" Me neither, sorry." I said kinda sad since I wanted to ask Shu about earlier,

Shu:" That's fine, dungeon later though right?" Shu says.

FC:" Yep!" says FC,

Alpha:" Sure thing." I say then I log off.

" Who's ready for some fun detention!?" Says Jeffery popping in from out of nowhere. He kinda freaks me out because of how nice he is, but I guess that's just how he is.

"If I say no, can I leave?" I say in a smirky voice.

"Haha, very funny. I didn't know it was you guys, but then again it usually is." Jeffery says, sighing , then walking to the other side of the room and sitting down. 

Me and Aaron just sit on opposite sides of the room not wanting to even make eye contact with one another. I stare at a wall for a bit and go into my own thoughts or in my words mentally sleeping.

"Bring! Bring!" I shoot into focus, guess detention is out. I start to walk out Aaron behind me. Then Aaron just walks in front of me and shoves me with his arm out of 'his' way!

"What the heck! Jerk." I yell at him.

"What the Alpha Female can't take a hit?" He says smirking then walking away. 

Ugh! Why did he have to become the Alpha male, I don't know who was worse, Bolto or him. Oh wait I need to direct him into doing my plan! I run to catch up with Aaron.

"Hey jerk!" I say stopping him in his tracks.

"What do you want?" He says in such an annoyed face he should be glad I didn't punch him.

"I need your help with one thing involving someone in werewolf class." I say in a serious way.

"Take care of it yourself." He says pushing past me and starting to walk away.

"Sorry you don't have a choice, Alpha Male." I say.

"Ugh! What do you want!" He says starting to get annoyed which I enjoy.

"You know the tiny potato girl who isn't a werewolf, just like us." I say.

"Yeah, the annoying one, what about her." Aaron says still in the same annoyed voice.

"She's being blackmailed by Gene." I say in a stern voice.

" Why do we have to help?" He says starting to walk away again.

"She's in werewolf class making her part of our pact for the time being!" I say starting to get mad.

"Fine, what do you need me to do?" Aaron says finally looking me in the eye so I know he's listening.

"I need you to knock Gene's phone out of his hand, breaking it while the potato girl is around." I said.

"Ok. But why can't you do this." Aaron says in a voice I don't have a name for.

"He would know I did it on purpose and would just attack her more. For all he knows you two hate each other, just a bit less than how much I hate you." I say seriously.

"Fair enough I'll do it." Aaron said, understanding the assignment.

"I'll tell you when to do it. Just stand by." Then I walked away around the corner and into the hallway.

" What do you think the next move should be?" Says a scruffy voice. Wait, that's no scruffy voice, Bolto! What is he doing?

"I just need a bit more time on the girl." Gene! This isn't good! Why would Bolto team up with Gene though. Bolto thinks all humans are weak. Gene must have done something. 

I try to get closer and see them around the corner but I step on a piece of paper and I had to run down the hallway so they didn't know I wasn't listening. 

They must be teaming up to do something to Aphmau and based on Bolto being Bolto something big was gonna happen to Aaron & I as well. This isn't good!

Gotta run home my parents are supposed to be at dinner. Ciao,


I know that most think I made Aaron to much of a jerk in this chapter but I needed it for the story line.



Word count: 790

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