chapter 6- Super Far

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Jay walked into the district after he had breakfast with Bess. Trudy motioned him over when he was about to head up the stairs to Intelligence. "Hey Halstead?"

Jay walked over, "Platt?"

"Stop smiling, it's making everyone nervous."

"It's just my smile." Halstead's eyebrows moved in confusion.

"You never smile."

"I smile occasionally."

"Yeah well for the past week you've been waltzing in here with a smile so big that even Roman asked me what's going on with you. Stop it."

Jay shook his head and hid his smile from her as he walked up the stairs, putting it back on as he was out of view from Trudy's station.

Bess was walking into her apartment after going to the grocery store when she got a text from Jay.

Jay: going undercover for a few hours, my phone will be on silent. If it's an emergency, call Will.

Bess: got it. please be careful. 💜

Jay: ❤️

Bess set her groceries on the counter as her phone lit up again. She looked at the screen, seeing her best friend texting her telling her to facetime him and their other best friend on the computer. She grabbed her computer and facetimed them while having the camera facing her, unpacking her groceries as they picked up the call.

"Hey georgeous! How you doing?" Victor Parker, her best friend from MIT spoke as his face came on the screen.

"Good?" She said, unsure at the tone of his voice.

Harley Thompson, their other best friend and Bess' high school boyfriend's face came on screen, "Okay why did we have to hear from TRUDY that you dumped Grant and got married to a stranger?"

Bess froze as she was heading to the fridge, her body still in the frame of the camera as the two men were waiting for an explanation.

"In my defense, I was left unsupervised with alcohol." Bess turned to look at them as Vic started laughing and Harley's jaw dropped.

"You drank?"

Bess put her face in her hands then lifted her head, leaning her elbows on the counter to look at the two men's faces on the screen.

She explained the story while Vic was laughing all the way through, wondering how their innocent Bess could do this while Harley was shaking his head, smiling at the blonde girl.

"I knew you would have a crazy story to tell besides the glitter incident." Harley said, leaning back in his office chair.

"I wish I had popcorn." Vic said, Harley nodding in agreement.

"So you're staying married?" Harley asked.

"Yeah. So far we're making it work without being a couple and it's been great."

"I bet that they'll fall in love." Vic spoke while Bess threw up her hands and walked off screen, putting the rest of the groceries away.

"Oh yeah. It's like a romcom." Harley laughed while Bess walked around, hiding her blush.


"Come on Bessie, When Trudy told us, we couldn't believe it." Vic said, taking a sip of his soda.

"We thought she might have been high." Harley leaned forward, putting his arms on his desk.

"That would be a sight!" Bess laughed as she grabbed her computer to sit on the couch, computer sitting on the coffee table.

"Trudy scares me but just picture if she was high, it would be ten times more funnier." Vic grinned as Harley and Bess laughed. Bess was going to say something when she got a text from Will telling her to meet him at the hospital.

"I gotta go guys." Bess hung up and grabbed her jacket, immediately going to the hospital.

Once she got there she immediately ran to Will, "Where is he?"

He led her to Jay's room, leaving her with him. She walks to his bed and sits on the end of it, both of them not saying anything.

"I thought I told you to be careful." Bess' voice cracks and Jay moves forward and hugs her.

She leans her head into the crook of his neck and he feels her tears on his skin, "I'm sorry baby." Jay holds her as he lays his cheek on her head.

She pulls away and wipes her eyes, "Please try not to scare me like that ever again."

"I'll try." Jay winces and Bess helps lay him back down on his pillows. Bess sits next to him and turns on the tv as Jay rests. She's gonna be here as long as he needs her.

Once Jay gets released from the hospital, Bess drives them home. She helps Jay out of the car since the doctor said a few of his ribs were broken and he's bruised around the area. She leads him inside and sets him on the bed which she already pulled the blankets down. She hands him a set of his clothes he left.

"If you need me, call. I'm going to make you soup." She ignores his complaints about having soup and walks to the kitchen to make it, texting Will as she makes it. Once she's done, she carries it into the bedroom and hands it to Jay, who is sitting back in bed. She sits next to him and stays quiet as he eats, turning on her TV.

"What do you want to watch?" She asks as she goes through different channels.

"Don't care." He winces as he moves and Bess leans forward, waiting to help him if he needs it. Once he settles, she turns on Iron Man 3 and lays back on the bed. She waits until he's done and then takes the tray, putting it in the nightstand then lays back down next to him.

"Thank you." Jay says, turning his head to look at her.

"For what?" Bess wonders.

"For helping me." Bess smiles at Jay's response and kisses his cheek.

"Anytime babe." Bess and Jay sit in silence watching the movie, both smiling.

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