Chapter 4- Eleven Out Of Ten

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Bess woke up in her bed once her alarm went off. She went home around nine last night then stayed up dancing to Carrie Underwood because of the coffee she had in her system. She finally went to sleep at one AM, setting an alarm to get up at nine. She had to be at work at eleven and she gets coffee on the way at the start and end of her work week.

She gets dressed in blue jeans and a long sleeve blue sweater since it's normally cold in the museum. She eats breakfast then makes sure she has everything in her backpack, going into the bathroom to brush her teeth. She walks out then grabs her backpack, phone and keys then walks out the door.

Once she gets to work, she drinks her coffee sitting at a table outside. Once she finishes, she walks in the museum and goes to the door for employees and she scans her badge to go in. She walks to her workstation in the curator room and sits in her chair, dropping her backpack on the floor. She gets out her phone and starts to text Jay when her boss comes in.

"We got a new collection and we need your help."  Bess puts her phone in her back pocket and follows her boss out the door.

After five hours of inventoring every piece of the collection and starting paperwork to identify the items, Bess sat back in her chair, taking a break. She ate lunch two hours ago then got straight back to work after. She takes a look at the paper in front of her, looking at the time period of the item she was logging into the computer system. She was always fasinated how things from different times in history could still be found in present day. She looked up when her coworker came into the room.

"Tired?" Alyssa asked, looking at the papers on Bess' desk.

Bess nods, "But i'm also doing what I love so who could be tired of that?"

Alyssa laughs and nods, "I agree."

Alyssa grabs some gloves off of her desk, Bess automatically knowing that she's going to go clean or handle an item in the museum.

"I'll trade you paperwork for your gloves." Bess smiles at Alyssa who smiles back.

"I'm good but i'm pretty sure I heard you inventoried all of the items that came in from the new collection today."

Bess nods, smiling, "I did."

Alyssa walks out of the room after Bess and her talked for a few more minutes. Bess sat back and took her rings out from under her sweater that she put on a chain last night, along with Jay to hide their rings from their coworkers. She put it back under her sweater and went back to her logging system.

Three hours later, she was walking out of the Museum, done for the day when she got a text from Jay.

Jay: Meet me at Storybook?

Bess texted him back yes and drove to Storybook Cafe.

Bess walked in and saw Jay at a table on his phone. She walked to him and once he noticed her, he put his phone away. He stood and hugged her then they both sat down. The waitress came and took their orders then walked away.

"How was your day?" Jay asked as Bess looked around the cafe with a smile on her face. She loved the brick wall cafe that had posters from books all around. It even had a bookstore in the back that she liked to browse when she got done eating.

"We got a new collection in today so it was just inventory and paperwork. What about you?"

"We caught a bunch of corrupt officers that robbed drug dealers."

"So we both had a good day." Bess smiled as the waitress came with their drinks

"Oh yeah. Also how did telling your Aunt Trudy about our marriage go?" Jay asked, taking a sip of his soda.

"Suprisingly well after I explained everything. With her you never know how conversations are going to go."

Jay laughs, "I know a few people like that."

After their meal, they went to their cars and went to their seperate apartments, both going to sleep after long days for both of them.

The next evening after she's leaving the museum,Jay calls her.

"Hey husband." Bess smiles.

"Hey. I wanted to tell you I can't make our dinner plans for tonight. The officers walked and now it's a giant catastrophe." He explained, but didn't go into detail.

Bess nodded then spoke, "Okay. I hope you catch them."

"Me too."

Bess sat on her couch watching TV as her phone rang. She looked at the caller ID before answering, "Hey!"

"Hey. Is this a good time?" Jay asks, carrying coffee cups.

"Yeah what's up?" Bess sits up on the couch.

"Can I come over?"

"Of course. You don't even have to ask."

"Good cause i'm at your door." Bess smiles as she gets up and opens the door for Jay.

"You have a key." Bess says as Jay passes her, handing her coffee, "to my apartment and to my heart." She says as she looks at Jay, grinning. She takes a sip of the coffee and walks happily to the couch, sitting beside Jay.

"Good to know I have both." Jay smiles then grimaces as he sees what's on her tv. "A Walk To Remember?"

"It's a good movie." She defended.

"No it's not."

Bess hit him with a pillow, making him smile. Her phone rang so she reached over Jay to grab it, "Hello?"

"Hey rugrat." Her Aunt Trudy says through the phone.

"Hey Aunt Trudy." She grins as Jay makes a face to distract her from her phone call. She sticks out her tounge at him.

"When am I going to meet this husband of yours so I can taze him?"

"You are NOT tazing my husband." Jay looks at her with wide eyes once Bess says the word taze.

"I need to scare him so what do you recommend?"

"Not scaring him how about that?" Bess takes a sip of her coffee.

"I can't do that." Bess rolls her eyes at her Aunt's words, smiling.

After she hangs up, she looks at Jay, "My aunt says hi."

Jay laughs, "I bet she did considering she wanted to taze me."

Bess finishes her coffee, "She's always like that, you get used to it."

"Should I if she wants to taze me?" Jay asks.

Bess laughs, "She does want to meet you though to see if you're good enough to be my fake husband."

"To you, how am I doing so far?"

"Great, amazing, five stars, eleven out of ten." Bess grins as he laughs.

"Eleven out of ten? I rated you twelve out of ten."

"Then we must both be amazing." Bess smiles, her eyes sparkling in the light of her apartment.

"I think we are."

Last Name -> Jay HalsteadWhere stories live. Discover now