Chapter 3- How To Tell Our Family

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Bess rolled over in her bed, lifting her hand over her face. She felt a piece of paper on her forehead and took it off. She read the pink sticky note in her hand, "Went to my apartment to change for work. Have a good day and I left my phone number on the kitchen counter if you needed me during work. -Your Husband"

Bess grinned at the note and got up to make coffee, taking her phone with her. She made coffee and typed Jay's number into her phone, texing Jay.

Bess: Good Morning, it's your wife :) please be careful today because I want to meet your brother and I don't need you to be in a hospital bed.

Jay: i'm scared of hospitals anyway so I will try my best to stay out.

Jay smiled at his phone, then looked up as Adam
spoke, "Who are you texting that's making you smile like that?"

Jay was about to speak when Voight came out of his office, talking about a case. Jay grabbed his jacket and followed Voight.

Bess cleaned her apartment, considering she didn't have to go to work until the next day. It was close to lunch after she got done cleaning her bedroom and cleaning up the rose petals from last night. Smiling at the memory, she called her Aunt.

"Hey rugrat." Her aunt answered the phone on her lunch break as Bess smiled.

"Never change Aunt Trudy. How are you?"

"I'm great if you left that piece of crap you call a fiance."

"Then you must be estatic." Bess grinned then scrunched her nose in confusion as she heard something drop.

"Are you serious?" Trudy gasped.

"Yeah. What did you just drop?"

"My sandwich but I don't care! I'm so happy i'll throw you a party!"

"Actually I was wondering if I could come over tonight? Around seven?"

"Of course! And you can tell me all about you dumping that horrible human you called a fiance."

Bess chuckles at her Aunt's wording choice but worries about what she's going to say about finding a husband the day after she broke up with her ex-fiance.

Bess walked to the cabinet under her sink and grabbed all four bottles of wine under her sink. She poured them all down the drain, stopping at the fourth one. The one her and Jay drank out of when they got married. She put that one on the counter, keeping it. It will be the last time she drinks alcohol but she feels something good came out of the bottle of red wine against the wall of her kitchen counter. She threw away the bottles that she kept because she thought about drinking everytime she thought about leaving Grant but never did. This time she's keeping the one that made her stay with Jay hopefully for a whole year.

After Jay got changed and went over to Bess'
apartment, he knocked on the door. Bess opened it, still dressed in pajamas, "I'm still picking an outfit."

Bess walked into her bedroom and Jay followed her, laying on her bed, "You look good in anything."

Bess snorted, going through her closet, "Sure."
she grabbed a royal blue sleeveless dress and went into the connecting bathroom to change. She came out wearing it, "How's this?"

Jay looked up and lost his breath. He stared until Bess snapped her fingers in front of his face. "So I look good?"

"Absolutely stunning." He grabbed her waist and pulled her on the bed with him, Bess laughing while pulling away, "I can't have wrinkles in this dress." She stands up and grabs a pair of silver flats to go with the dress. She takes one more look in the mirror and grabs Jay's hand, pulling him off the bed. He straightens out his jacket and grabs her hand, walking into the living room.

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