Chapter 7- Glow

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After Jay got cleared to go back to work, Bess went back to work at her job. He had to stay out for a week so she had enough time off to use to stay home for the whole week. She never used time off unless she had to.

She walked into the museum and smiled. She loved her job. She had a few minutes before her shift so she walked around, admiring the artifacts and statues of things and people long gone but we can still find pieces of in today's world.

Bess' phone rang as she was looking at a blueprint. She looked at her phone and smiled, answering it. "Hi mom!"

"Hi sweetheart, how are you?"

"I'm great mama, how are you."

"I would be better if you answered your invitation."

"What invitation?" Bess said confused, walking around the museum.

"To the christmas party!"

Bess' eyes widened, "Oh yeah, i've been super busy so I haven't had a chance to yet."

"I'll check you off on coming and I won't put you down for a plus one since you yelled at Aunt Marissa last year for putting you down for one when you didn't."

"Thank you. Actually can you hold off on that plus one?"

"Do you have one?"

"Yes but I have to see if he can get off work."

"That's fine. I'll hold off on asking you about him until we see you both in person."

"Thanks mama."

They talked for a little more until they said their goodbyes and love you's then hung up. She immediately called Jay after.


"Hey. Do you have a minute?"

"Yeah what's up?" Jay sat up in his desk chair.

"My mom invited you to the christmas party we have every year and I kind of forgot to tell her i'm married."

Jay started laughing which Bess gasped at, faking being dramatic, "You're not supposed to laugh at your wife!"

"How did you forget to tell her?"

"I was busy getting married, dealing with you being kidnapped and my job."

"Okay. When is it?"

"The twentieth."

Jay grimaced, "I can't."

"You're gonna leave me all by my lonesome. You traitor!!" Bess heard Jay laughing, "Stop laughing!"

Jay quieted, "I'm sorry baby. I'll make it up to you."

Bess thought for a moment, "By a chocolate christmas tree?"

"Anything you want."

"Okay! I'll tell her you can't make it and i'll sit at the kids table."

"Why would you sit at the kids table?"

"All of the kids who don't have a significant other with them or at all sit at the kids table. It's tradition in my house. One time Vic got out of the kids table to the adult one because he brought a fake date for one night and my family thought they were together for months."

Jay laughed, "That is incredible."

"It was torture! He was making faces at me and Harley the whole time because we were at the kids table. Even Aunt Trudy was stuck at the kids table one time!"


"She broke up with her boyfriend at the time and she was tired of the happy couples so she sat with us single kids."

"I would have too if I was in her position."

"So would I. I gotta go."

"Okay i'll see you at home."

"Yep. Bye!"


Bess and Jay hung up and Bess went into the employee doors to clock in. Jay smiled at his phone which Antonio noticed, "Who were you talking to?"

"My girlfriend."

Antonio's eyebrows raised, "Since when?"

"Three weeks." Jay said, thinking about Bess and smiling again.

"You got it bad." Antonio said walking away but still in hearing mode.

"Don't I know it."

After Bess got off shift, she drove to Trudy's place and parked in front. She walked to the front door and inside, seeing Mouch on the sofa.

"Hey Randy. Is Aunt Trudy here?"

"Upstairs kid." He said smiling at her then going back to the paper he was reading.

She walked upstairs and into Trudy's room, seeing her doing laundry, "Hey Aunt Trudes."

"Hey rugrat." She said.

Bess grabbed a shirt and started to fold, "Did you get mom's christmas party invite?"

"Yes and I'm dreading going like always." Bess laughed at her Aunt's response.

"Did you invite Randy?"

"I did and he agreed to go."

"No more kid's table huh?" Bess smirked at Trudy.

"Shut up. What about you?"

"He's working."

"I'm sorry kid."

Bess shrugged, "Why? This prevents him from meeting our family too soon."

"True." Trudy laughed, grabbing a pair of pants, "I still want to meet him though. I want to know who's making you glow like that."

"You will. Don't worry."

Last Name -> Jay HalsteadWhere stories live. Discover now