Chapter 10- Winter Wonderland pt 3

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Bess entered Harley's family home at three in the morning and went to the fridge to get the things to make waffles. She mixed the batter as she saw Harley exit the bedroom.

He blinked, seeing his best friend in the kitchen then went to the coffee pot to make decaf coffee. They stayed in silence as they finished their tasks and once the plates and coffee were in front of them, Bess spoke.

"The Hawkins family switched the will's." Bess took a bite of her waffle as Harley looked at the blonde in knowingness and guilt.

"I knew."

Bess was shocked in silence then looked at her best friend with a hurt look in her eyes, "Why?"

"Your dad called me after a lawyer friend of his found the real will and asked me if there was any way my dad could prove it was real. I brought it to my dad and he said he could prove it but it would take a lot of digging and finding out the Hawkins family's secrets." Harley went into his room and came back with an envelope in his hands, "I found this last week."

Bess took the envelope from him and opened it, reading what's inside, "This is a check paying off the lawyer who read the will."

"It's the same sum of money you were supposed to be paid which means you can sue the Hawkins family and their lawyer." Harley smiled at Bess.

Bess smiled, taking a sip of her coffee.

Bess and Anthony, Harley's father, walked into the Hawkins House after their butler Martin let her in. Bess walked into the living room with her head held high, stopping in front of Samantha Hawkins, Owen's mother, in the living room.

"Is there any reason you are in my family home after four years?" Samantha asked, laying her hands on her crossed legs and clasping her fingers together.

"There is but I need the whole family present." Bess said.

Samantha glanced at Anthony, who nodded.

"Very well then. We'll all move to the dining room." Samantha said then gathered Owen's siblings and called the family members who weren't at the house to come immediately as Anthony and Bess walked to the dining room.

As the rest of the family eventually showed up to the meeting and sat at the dining room table, Anthony could begin.

"The will that you produced four years ago has come to light as a fake. The copy of the real will has been found and it labels that Bess Hayen recieves Owen Hawkins' porsche, the beach house and the sum of twenty five billion dollars, none of which she has recieved. Bess has already agreed upon not pressing charges of whoever switched the will or paid off the lawyer but your lawyer will come under review and has been terminated of practicing law until then. Bess, you already decided what to do with what the will states?"

"I would like to keep the porsche, since I have very fond memories of it. I would like to sell the beach house since I do not think I would use it and I would like it to go to another family who would make memories in it. The sum of twenty five billion dollars, I would like one billion to go into my trust that I cannot touch until I am thirty and the rest to go to Owen's charities that we already discussed anonymously."

Samantha sat in quiet shock, one of Owen's brothers yelled in outrage as the rest of the family said their pieces they wanted to include. Anthony stood up, motioning Bess to follow him out. As they walked out Anthony smiled at Bess, knowing she did the right thing.

Trudy walked over to Bess as she walked through the door and hugged her, leaning down to whisper in her ear, "Did you get the money?"

Bess laughed, "I put some into my trust that I can't touch until i'm thirty, I gave almost all of it to Owen's charities he supported and i'm selling the beach house that I already wrote that the money from it goes to you."

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