Chapter 9- Winter Wonderland Pt 2

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The next two days went pretty smoothly, Bess going to the mall with Harley and Victor, picking up last minute christmas gifts and going to a Christmas fundraiser with her mother. Bess called Jay every night like promised and he sent her a good morning text every day. When he sent the morning text and she saw the date of December 23rd, she laid back in bed, put in her headphones and played a few heartbreak songs and cried like she does every year on this day. December 23rd was the day that Owen passed away in a boating accident when they were twenty two.

Bess wiped her face and got ready for the day, putting on the bracelet Owen got her for her twenty first birthday,  going downstairs for breakfast. Her mother hugged her and set a plate of blueberry pancakes with chocolate syrup on the counter. Bess didn't feel hungry after the crying but she ate so her mother wouldn't worry.

After eating, Bess told her mother she was going out and grabbed her purse, walking out the door. She went in the garage, talking the tarp off her sky blue jeep that's been in there since she moved to Chicago. She got in and drove off, waving bye to Trudy and Randall who were looking at her from the balcony.

Bess parked outside the small house by the sea and got out of the jeep, walking to the front door and knocking. Once the door opened, the woman smiled softly at her.

"Hot Chocolate is already on the table." Tressa Hawkins, Owen's grandmother, said and led Bess into the house.

Bess smiled at the sight of the warm drink on the table and took a sip, feeling the warmth from it seep into her bones, taking away the winter chill. She sat across from Tressa and held the mug close to her, giving her something to do with her hands.

Tressa looked at her with a knowing smile, "Somethimg on your mind?"

Bess took a deep sigh then let it all slip through her lips, "When Owen passed, I didn't think I would get over him. I didn't date for two years then I met a guy and thought i'm cheating on Owen, I can't. Then I pushed it to the back of my mind because I thought it was easier not thinking about him. Then I broke up with Grant and I got drunk and got married to this guy I only knew a few hours. Now I have feelings for my now husband and Owen is coming back full force to the front of my mind. I feel like Owen is still with me. I have to move on but sometimes thoughts of him float through my mind."

"Owen will always be with you and he would want you to move on. He loved you and he would have ran away with you if you asked him to. He wants you to live the happiest best life you can."

Bess pondered over what Tressa said then laughed, "Both of our dads would have tracked us down with our bodyguards."

"The only reason you two needed bodyguards was because you both were heirs to fortunes. How is Tom?" Tressa asked, taking a sip of her tea.

"He's good. We gave him Christmas off to go back to France to visit his family." Bess smiled, thinking of her bodyguard of six years.

"That's wonderful! Now, tell me about this husband you mentioned. Does he treat you right and is he gorgeous?"

Bess laughed then took a drink of her hot chocolate, "He does and yes he is. He's exactly what I needed at the right time."

"And what do you need right now?"

"The Truth."

Later that night Bess walked into Trudy's room, wanting to talk to her but found Randall instead. She was going to leave but his voice stopped her.

"Looking for Trudy?" Randall looked up from his book and looked at her.

"Yeah but I bet she's playing cards with the men along with Aunt Sam."

"She is. Anything I can help you with?"

Bess was going to say no but she thought about it and sat next to him, "Did you ever want to find out the truth about something but knowing would change your life?"

Randall nodded, "Yeah I did, what you said hits a little too close to home."

Bess looked at him, "How come if you dont mind me asking?"

"I was a sperm donor but I know the woman had kids and I don't know if I want to meet them."

Bess nodded, "Do you want to?"

"Maybe. I've been thinking about if I want to or not. I know they won't actually see me as a father but I want to know if they have a good life."

Bess walked down the stairs later that night into her father's study and closed the door, looking for something in particular. She went to her father's desk and crouched down to the last drawer, opening it and picking up the files. She opened the square opening in the drawer that is a secret between her and her dad.

Grabbing what was in it, she put the files back, closing the drawer. Opening the piece of paper, she paused when she saw that it wasn't what she hoped it was but it was something bigger. She looked at the words printed on the page.


She continued reading the paper, skimming over what he left his family which was a sum of one million to each member and saw that he left something to her. A big something that wasn't in his original will read to the family.

To my beloved Bess, the light of my life, I leave everything. The house in Cape Davenport, My porsce that we used to drive up the coast in, my grandmother's engagement ring I already gave to you and the sum of twenty five billion dollars.

Bess stared at the will, questioning everything. The will read to the family, he left her two million dollars. She looked at the date and saw this one was made a week before he died where as the one that was read to thr family was made two months before he died. She heard the study doors open and stood up. She turned to face the person standing in the doorway.

"Why do you have this and why have I never seen it?" She asked her father.

"I can explain." Her father said, looking at her sorrowly.

"Then explain." Bess crossed her arms and waited.

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