Chapter 66 - Detaining Kilmann

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Chapter 66 – Detaining Kilmann

Vertigo Town, Arlington County, VA
Tuesday, May 12, 2076
13:20 EST GMT-5

Ace: Upon arriving at Wheeler's office, we immediately surrendered Kilmann over to Ross, who was present. Ross had Wheeler detained and ensured that he'd be gone for a very long time.

"They've got Julia. We must save her!" I frantically told Wheeler. "How did this happen? Javier mentioned something about Jerry."

"Surprisingly, he's been missing the last few days, no one has seen nor heard from him. For now, his other workers are taking care of his shop." Wheeler said in concern.

"We must stop this. They've got Aurora. They'll kill her. How can we stop this?" I asked.

"You'll need to venture back into their den. However, it won't be safe. Again, I'll tell you not to go alone. You'll also need more powerful weapons, if you may need to take on the mutants, or even the mutant leader himself." Ross went on to explain. "Kilmann will be gone for thirty years minimum. However, you'll need to stop the mutant leader and his army."

"First of all, how do you know it's a he?" I said.

"Truthfully, these mutants were formerly human, mind you." Wheeler went on to explain. "They just have been exposed to this radiation. If it didn't kill them, it turned them into monsters."

"The walls can come back up, but you'll need to first take out their leader." Javier said over the radio. "Once the army falls, we can ensure security in both Vertigo Town and Jordan City."

"Before anything, you must go back to the arena. There is a way you can breach the mutant lair, but it'll be a one-way ride. You'll need to borrow a ride from the racetrack there." Wheeler explained.

"Then you'll need a special clearance authorization to even enter the area, where the mutant den is." Ross added.

"You don't mean to say..." I was about to ask.

"We'll need to go to the security office near the police station." Ranger answered. "It's our only way to earn those passes."

"Ace, you've shown that you're capable of protecting the people!" said Wheeler. "You'll just need to stop this Armageddon, but it's not just Aurora. It's everyone. Civilization must come back, sooner or later. The sooner the better."

"We should move out!" said Ranger.

"Let's do it!" I said. "We've got work to do. I.V.A.N.A, I need you on your toes."

"I don't have any, but I understand what you mean." My virtual assistant answered.

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