Chapter 15 - Exploring the Casino

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Chapter 15 – Exploring the Casino

Javier's Casino, Vertigo Town
Arlington County, VA
Thursday, April 30, 2076
09:00 EST GMT-5

Of course, as per the announcer, I did finish the race in under five minutes. So now, I was not only a victor, who won the respect of that gang, but I also earned five thousand foxcoins. The three of us decided to check out Javier's Casino. Like the other businesses and houses, the roof had solar panels above it. Of course, it was a time where solar power was predominant, thus making electricity very affordable.

We went inside the casino and checked it out. The walls were adorned with lots of digital displays and holographic signs. Then we saw him, the buff daddy himself. Rogelio Michael Javier; the owner of the casino, and site manager. Obviously looked like he was middle-aged. Perhaps in mid-fifties if not older.

"Welcome to Javier's Casino." He then said to us. "I can't say I've seen you folks around here, before."

"First time here, actually!" said Ranger. "We've been in limbo for about the last four decades."

"Ah, you're the soldiers who went into hibernation, to evade the apocalypse back then!" said Javier, sounding smug. "I remember those days as if it were just yesterday, I was only eleven at the time, but I was living in Wisconsin. I only moved here to start my business, when the economy took a downturn, thirty years following the asteroid landing. I was working in Las Vegas for some time, until then. I've been running this joint for a good fifteen years already."

"Good place to gamble, I presume!" I said with a normal tone.

"Perhaps a good place to blow all your money too!" exclaimed Aurora, as she chuckled.

"You can even make a lot as well, if you're good at what you do." Javier said. "If you want, you're welcome to grab some drinks or food at our small bar top over there. Or you can browse the place. Say, would you like to do me a favor?"

"Excuse me?" I said in confusion. "What do you mean?"

"Well, the sewers used to be a great smuggling route for my business assets, until marauders took over, and started using it, for their own schemes." Javier went on to explain.

"And you want us, to go down there, and clear them out?" I asked, with a disgusted face.

"You catch on quick!" said Javier. "They've also installed some sentry turrets down there, to shoot anything that moves. The turrets are easy to blow up, but impossible to shoot at."

"Why am I not surprised, you'd assign me such a shitty task?" I had to ask. "Don't you have any experts you can do this?"

"If I had hired someone to do my tasks, they'd chicken out before hearing it." Javier justified. "But you, I'm sure you can pull it off, given you were a soldier, back in the day."

"That was back in the day, this is today!" I told him up front, with a blunt tone. "I'm pretty much done with that life now."

"Look, you're the only person who can protect us from the threats of the mutants, marauders and rogue machines!" exclaimed Javier. "Your life is in the mayor's hand. He can exile you, before you know it. Somewhere out there, is a totalitarian authoritative figure, no one knows if they're marauders, or mutants, or machine. We only know they're not our friends. You must go there and take 'em out. Just keep a low profile after that, as they may send their law enforcement and military forces within the city, and whatever happens, do not give in to them. If they take you in, we have no other hope left."

"From what I've been told, there are more like us in hibernation, we must find out who!" exclaimed myself. "Until then, I'll take your word for it."

"Here's a weapon upgrade, this is an advanced machine gun with plasma energy." Javier declared. "Believe me, you'll need it!"

"10-4!" I said to him.

I then left to find the sewers. Hoping to make it in time, to meet Wheeler at noon.

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