Chapter 17 - Wheeler's Mission

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Chapter 17 – Wheeler's Mission

Mayor's office, Vertigo Town
Arlington County, VA
Thursday, April 30, 2076
11:50 EST GMT-5

I arrived at Wheeler's office, fifteen minutes prior to noon, just to look good. I immediately saw him arrive at the office as well and talk to the robot at the reception desk. Then, signaled me to come inside. I followed him to his office. He then signaled me again to close the door behind me.

"Amazing job winning the race!" said Wheeler. "Now this isn't an urgent matter, but it must be done. Ten miles from the city, is another town, called Jordan City. No relation to the country Jordan. Their mayor has been complaining about mutants causing power outages, and water supply to be cut off."

"That's not our problem!" I told the mayor, with honesty. "We've got other matters to take care of in this city, alone."

"It is our problem, when the Gunsmith Battalion has sent their corrupt military and law enforcement there, to allow the mutants to attack the city." Wheeler grunted.

"Excuse me? Gunsmith Battalion?" I had to know what he was talking about.

"They're a private law and order group, a syndicate which had taken over since the Mithra landed, and they've not been making our lives any easier!" explained Wheeler.

"So, let me guess?" I asked. "I go over there, take out more mutants, and then protect that city from other threats?"

"More than correct!" said Wheeler. "You do this, and I'll make it worth your while!"

"Alright, then. I'll get it done by tomorrow." I said to Wheeler.

"Good man!" exclaimed Wheeler.

"I'm going to collect my new firearm from Javier. He owes me one." I told Wheeler. "Tomorrow then!"

"Godspeed!" said Wheeler.

I then made my way to Javier's Casino. That is when I saw two men, dressed as soldiers, with long assault rifles. Then I realized who they were.

"Those must be the Gunsmith Battalion's police forces." I said to myself.

"Best to keep it low-key around them." I.V.A.N.A suggested. "They're looking for those who attacked the mutants and marauders in the sewers."

"Noted." I spoke.

I then entered the casino.

"Good job clearing out the sewers!" exclaimed Javier. "As promised, here is your weapon upgrade."

"Is there a reason why the Gunsmith Battalion has been harassing everyone?" asked me, with sincere concern.

"All I know is, they're keeping an eye out on anyone who could possibly be against their policies. Ever since jobs were automated, many people started protesting, some peacefully and some violently. It's not their fault when the national unemployment rate is now thirty-six percent, despite many new jobs being spawned from many new industries."

Then my holophone began to ring. I saw the call was from Shelley Stoner. I proceeded to answer.

"Austin, I know this isn't your thing, but I need you three to come here, ASAP. I've already called Ross." She said, sounding scared.

"Shelley?" I was concerned. "I'm on my way."

"Oh, no! Not again!" said Javier.

"What?" I was now curious.

"Those demonstrators are perhaps trying to destroy her robots, who work there." Javier explained. "It's happened before, it's happening again."

"See you, then!" I said. "I'm going there now."

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