Chapter 51 - On Route to Kanzen City

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Chapter 51 – On Route to Kanzen City

Ace's home, Vertigo Town
Arlington County, VA
Thursday, May 7, 2076
12:00 EST GMT-5

We weren't going to waste any more time on this miserable rock, we decided to take a trip, to the fourth rock from the sun. It's not a planned vacation unfortunately, just a venture to poke around into the Devil's asshole. We packed our stuff, whatever we had to pack. It was just me and Aurora going. We advised Ranger to stay behind as I know like the old saying, "Three is always a crowd!".

"Ready, Julia?" I asked.

"More than ever!" said Aurora.

"Oh, you've got to be kidding me!" I exclaimed. "James, what the hell are you doing here?"

"You two didn't think I'd actually stay here, while you're honeymooning on Mars. Did you?" said Ranger.

"Ranger you already know..." I began.

"Save it, Austin!" said Ranger. "You're the best soldier I've ever known! You've proven yourself a lot, but that doesn't mean I'll let you go in, alone!"

"There's always strength in numbers after all!" said Aurora in joy. "He's right, Ace."

"I guess you can say so." I said in reluctance. "Let's get moving, the spaceport isn't too far from here."

"Careful, the three of you!" said I.V.A.N.A. "There are marauders and mutants, outside the city walls. Travel safely."

We then got up to go. After leaving the city walls, we raced to arrive at the spaceport in time, to check the next space-bus to Kanzen City located in the middle of the Korolev Crater, Mars. While heading there, we studied the schematics and the blueprints of said city. It sure already had its history marked in the books.

"So, what's this?" I asked. "I see it's basically another Houston, Texas but on Mars."

"Well, it's safe to assume, since Jonathan Montgomery, who significantly contributed to financing the construction, was born in Houston, they wanted the city to look like his hometown." Ranger said. "It'd only makes sense."

"I'm appalled!" exclaimed Aurora. "I never imagined a full city on Mars."

"Well, I guess a lot does happen in forty-two years." I responded.

We arrived at a small spaceport, located in the middle of the desert, which was heavily guarded. We showed the station security bots our military IDs and special government access clearance to board the vessel when it arrived. The doors then slid open. It was quite the passenger vessel, perhaps fifty people could fit in it. The space-bus then took off. It was heading towards Mars, at a steady fifty million miles per hour. At this rate, we'd arrive in less than three hours. 

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