Chapter 34 - Confrontation in the Mines

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Chapter 34 – Confrontation in the Mines

Coal Mine
Arlington County, VA
Sunday, May 3, 2076
11:12 EST GMT-5

So, we just pressed on, to explore the mines. Keeping our guard up and profile low. I did see some guards and drones. But next thing you know, we both saw it. A flying hovercar, with weapons. And inside it, none other than Kilmann, directly headed towards us.

"So, we did have some rats in the walls. A rat and his girlfriend, it seems. Well, allow me to put you both out of your misery!" said Kilmann.

I then got my weapons ready, fired at his flying ship, and continued firing at it. Aurora joined in, and kept firing, as we both kept dodging his shots. Thankfully, our military training came in handy for this job. Kilmann then began to fire a laser beam at us.

"Aurora, watch out!" I shouted at her. "Hey, leave her alone, douchebag! Pick on someone your own size!"

Finally, I took out a rocket launcher, small but big enough in size, then fired a rocket at the hovercar. Suddenly, the hovercar began to spin like crazy, upon impact with the rocket explosion. The ship broke into two pieces, as the base part broke off. Kilmann stayed in the flying cockpit.

"This isn't over, yet!" said Kilmann, as he proceeded to fly off. "You've won this battle, the war rages on! We'll meet again!"

"Whatever!" said Aurora. "Buh-bye!"

All Kilmann's soldiers then retreated and headed back to the base, abandoning the mine. Me and Aurora, we decided to also skedaddle, as people back in the day would say. I had I.V.A.N.A call our transport back to us, and we headed back to Vertigo Town in no time. Upon arriving back to the city however, we saw more patrols, more drones in the sky. Then we got a call, on our holophones.

"Ace! Get back to my office, ASAP!" shouted Wheeler.

"Roger that!" I said in response.

We then made our way to Wheeler's office. Of course, Wheeler was at his desk, so was Sheriff Ross and so was Jerry. Wheeler then turned to look at us.

"The city's on high alert! What the hell did you two do?" asked Wheeler.

"Nothing, we've been just exploring the outskirts of the city." Aurora said.

"Really? Then why are the Gunsmith Battalion, looking for a dangerous young man, with light hair, old ACU fatigues, and a young woman who was with him?" said Wheeler in anger.

"Look, we went down to the old coal mine, and tripped a few alarms!" I explained with honesty.

"What? I didn't authorize a strike on the mines!" said Wheeler.

"Hey, we kicked Kilmann's ass!" I continued. "Unfortunately, he escaped."

"And we overheard a secret meeting with the mutant leader." Aurora added.

"You saw the mutant leader?" said Jerry, concerned.

"No, well sorta! He was on some holographic communicator." I added. "The general has been bribing the mutants with the power crystals in the desert!"

"It would never be enough!" grunted Jerry.

"But Kilmann's going to double-cross him!" said Aurora.

"Is that so?" said Jerry. "Well, it seems as if the general's good charm, must have angered someone! Because news from the wasteland has come, saying the mutant armies are on the move again!"

"What else can we do now?" I asked.

"That's none of your business!" said Wheeler. "Now that you've stirred the bee's nest, I'll need both of you to go nowhere out of the city, at all! Unless you go find work here, or in Jordan City. As a matter of fact, Jordan City needs more staff in their city's smart grid. Ace, you should go there once a week or so to work, but no more than that! All other days, you stay here!"

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