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On September 22, 1987; Belgian astronomer Eric Elst, along with Bulgarian astronomer Vladimir Shkodrov, discovered the 4486 Mithra asteroid, about one point eight kilometers in diameter, at Rozhen Observatory in Bulgaria. Some thirty-five years later, NASA launched their DART (Double Asteroid Redirection Test) mission, to serve as a planetary defense against near-Earth objects to evade impact from asteroids and other aerial threats. Of course, it did prove effective. The latter half of the 2020s was a hallmark for space exploration. Unfortunately, around the same time, radioactive chemicals from Earth seeped into the atmosphere, and got absorbed by these asteroids hovering around Earth. Mithra was undoubtedly affected, and unfortunately, gained enough radioactivity, to awaken the uranium lurking within the asteroid.

In light of the Earth's gravity possibly gripping 4486 Mithra, and pulling it to its surface, NASA partnered with JAXA and SpaceX, to create the DART 2.0, to not only set any meteor off course, but also to destroy the meteor, and reduce it to pebbles. What they didn't take into consideration was that the now radioactive asteroid had enough juice to destroy anything in its path even if it was very small. This leaves the Defense Department to place its top elite soldiers into a cryogenic chamber for six months, in anticipation of clearing out the radiation and gamma rays from the radioactive explosion. So, this story isn't a science fiction story taking place in a promising future, full of prosperity and economic recovery. Instead, it is about a meteor, which brings upon a radioactive apocalypse on Earth, near the eastern shores of the United States. As the heroes emerge into an undefined era, they're about to face threats even more dire, than ever imagined.


This work is a pure work of fiction, all characters, events, names, and settings are put together with the intent to narrate a story, with no intention to bear any resemblance to the dead. This work does not intend to malign any political and third-party organizations. All rights are purely reserved.

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