Chapter 31 - Big Trouble in Little Bar

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Chapter 31 – Big Trouble in Little Bar

Lauren's Bar, Jordan City
Arlington County, VA
Saturday, May 2, 2076
10:44 EST GMT-5

Obviously, it wasn't a big issue finding Lauren's bar. The setback we faced, the entrance to the bar, was being guarded by muscular bikers. Of course, that didn't stop us from approaching them. No sooner we did, that one biker looked at us. And get this, he was an 'it', and it was a humanoid robot.

"Coming for a drink?" asked the robot. "You'll need to be careful; our boss is trying to hook up with the bartender."

"We'll just get what we need and go." I said to the machine. "We don't want any trouble."

"Yours is a fool's errand. I think you're one of Nelson's cronies." The robot said with a smug look. "Well, it's not my business, but Boris is an asshole, I don't know how I wound up getting employed under him. I don't get paid that much."

"Well, considering you're a robot, I'm surprised you even work to get paid!" I exclaimed and couldn't help but feel amused. "Anyhow, take care."

I walked into the bar, while still amazed to see now machines working, and earning salaries. As if it wasn't bad enough, they wiped out many jobs, and brought the unemployment rate to an all-time high. I then saw the bar, it was full of bikers, and other customers, who tried to mind their own business, but were scared seeing stuff around them. This bar looked similar in vein to Shelley's Bar, except the vibes were more classic 1960s, with Elvis Presley-themed disco style, retro and just plain nostalgic, apart from the arcades, pool tables and even app-enabled jukeboxes. We then heard a female voice.

"Boris, I've given you many warnings, if you're not out of here soon, I'll call the police!" said the voice.

"You can't handle my tongue in your mouth, baby?" said a male voice.

We turned to see; it was Lauren. She was angrily looking at the brute in front of her. She was in her early twenties, as per Nelson, and was wearing a full t-shirt to hide her pregnant belly. Along with blonde hair and glasses. We walked up to the bar.

"Didn't you hear her?" I spoke up.

"She's told you to leave her alone!" said Aurora.

"Get out of here, while you can! We are authorized to use lethal force!" said Ranger.

We then drew our guns. We glared at Boris. He glared back, but seeing how he only had a knife and a chain, and we had guns, he conceded. He then got up to leave.

"We're not done yet!" said Boris. "We'll see each other again, soon!"

"I'll be waiting for that day!" I said with confidence.

"You're better off not mixing up, with a bunch like that!" said Lauren. "I'm Lauren by the way. Daddy needs to stop sending people to look out for me. I can handle myself."

"Your father wanted us to make sure, you're okay!" I exclaimed with annoyance. "Apparently, it was the only way, he'd give us information about George Kilmann."

"I hate it when he does that. Lucky for you, I know about whom you're talking about!" exclaimed Lauren. "Lately, he's been hiding out in the abandoned coal mines outside town."

"Thank you, for that!" I expressed my gratitude.

"I'm not done yet!" said Lauren. "You can't just go there like that! That place is a historical tourist ground, heavily guarded. When people stopped using fossil fuels, thirty years ago, they turned that place into a landmark."

"We need to end this totalitarian attack on both cities, this one and Vertigo Town." I explained. "Only way we can end this, is to confront and reason with their leader."

"You can't do it alone. I know people here and in Vertigo, who can help you." Lauren said. "Meet me later tonight, back at Shelley's in Vertigo Town."

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