Chapter Twenty-Eight- Rescue

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I grinned teasingly.

"I saw that."

I blushed.

"And that."

"Stop it!" I sharply pushed his shoulder.

Then I heard the rushing water as the sub detached from the dock and sank into the sea.

I stiffened, trying to hide my sudden fear from the other troopers, and Connor put a firm, strong hand on my shoulder.

Why, oh why did we have to be underwater?

"Wildfire, are you alright?"  Miss Martian asked in my head.

My head was beginning to spin. "I think so...I-I just didn't know I was still this water-phobic." Connor's grip tightened.

"Willow, you'll be fine." Nightwing told me calmly. Right, like I was gonna take assurance from him.

"Come on, you can do this!" Superboy urged me. "Come on, think of Nightingale, Rachel, Garfield, Sarah, you're doing this for them."

I gave a shuddering sigh, adjusting my grip on the gun. He was right. I had to help. We had to get to the others.

"Why don't you think of space?" Wonder Girl suggested. "You're okay at the Watchtower, right? Well, just pretend you're flying through space!"

I thought it over. Space. Endless Scientific discoveries. Bright stars, burning suns. Yeah, it would be a whole lot better to imagine Space.

I relaxed, and looked down the row of abductees, Batgirl, And Robin. Superboy and I had been charged with guarding them, thanks to Tigress, who more than likely had recognized us.

For two hours, there was nothing to do but wait. Wait as we moved along through the ocean, our only comfort of being stranded in enemy territory was the proximity of the bioship, promised by the telepathic communication from Finch, Wonder Girl, Miss Martian, and Nightwing, who always stayed within range.

"Good, they're leading us to Lagoon Boy." Nightwing said at last.

"How do you know that?" Cassie asked.

"And how did you know about the abduction at the docks?" Finch jumped in.

Well, it was in the flash drive Aqualad had passed on to Nightwing during the raid on the cave, but Wonder Girl, Finch, and the others couldn't know that.

"Aquaman found the intel while searching for La'gaan."

How does he do that? How does he spin his lies as fast as a spider spins a web? He's liable to get trapped like that.

The lie seemed to satisfy The two girls, as they both remained quiet.


At Wonder Girl's exclamation, I assumed we'd found the Light's alien partner's underwater base.

The sub shuddered violently as we docked, and Robin, who appeared to have been sleeping, looked quite startled. Connor and I stood up as more Manta troopers came back in to help unload the abductees.

"Alpha, beta, I'm heading aboard the alien ship." M'gann announced. "Are you onboard?"

"Affirmative." Batgirl told her.

"We're in some sort of docking bay, and we have a visual of the new aliens, aka Krolotean's competitor, aka, the Light's partner."

I noticed a familiar shadow approaching from behind, and my insides tightened, even with Superboy standing next to me.

Sparks Fly [Book Two in the "Fire And Lighting" Series]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن