"It's true then, you don't remember me..." Becky said carefully, taking another step forward.

"I'm sorry... I don't know..." Freen stumbled on her words.

"Becky... I'm Becky. Does that... does that bring anything back?" Becky asked carefully.

Freen tried. She really tried, she visibly tried. But nothing. "I'm sorry na..."

"No, no, don't apologize, just... think..." Becky was desperate for her to remember.

"I'm trying, I really am." Freen said exasperated.

Becky knees grew weak. This was happening, this was really happening. What she really wanted to do right now was run out to the streets and scream her lungs out.

What she actually did was take another careful step forward, she was now at the foot of the bed.

"Can I hold your hand?" Becky asked.

"Who are you, Becky?" Freen asked, and the pain in Becky's heart only increased.


It was a pained, strangled cry. Saying her name like that, she was losing herself.

"Freen ka, I'm your wife..." She said it. Out loud. And then looked up to find Freen frozen. Silenced.

Becky took another step forward, and Freen shifted away.

"Don't. Wait." Freen said hurriedly. She took a deep breath and exhaled. "I have a wife..." Freen said more to herself than anyone else.
Becky nodded. "How long do we know each other?"

"Since school..." Becky replied.

"That can't be right. That doesn't make any sense. I remember P'Nam. I don't know who you are..."

"Freen, that's why I think you'll remember me, maybe you just need some help remembering, we'll talk na? I'll help you remember, I can tell you about us, about our dates, our wedding..." Becky sounded desperate.

"I... I need to talk to P'Nam." Freen blurted out. Stopping Becky mid-sentence.

"P'Nam. Okay. Ka, I'll call her in." Becky finally said. Giving up. Realizing that this was it. Freen didn't know who she was.

"Alone. Please?" Freen asked carefully.

Becky looked down at her feet. "Ka, of course. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to come on too strong. I understand this must be tough for you."

"As it must be for you too." Freen only thought of it as she said it out loud, and her own eyes turned sad for Becky.

Becky nodded once, awkwardly, and back up a little and then walked out of the room in a haste.

When Becky stepped out, she was breathing hard, Nam quickly stood up and enveloped her in a hug.

"She doesn't know me..." Becky said. Becky repeated. Until the words became sobs and then full blown cries in agony.

"Nong, we have to be patient. She'll remember, I know she will."

"Phi, you should go inside. She wants to talk to you." Becky finally said, pulling out of Nam's embrace, but not making eye contact.

"Ka..." Nam said, as she made sure Becky was seated, and had a glass of water in her hand and then she entered in to Freen's room.


"I don't believe this, phi..."

"Freen, it's true. You two are married. You've been living together so long now."

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