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Chapter 98: Recovery

Not long after the group left, a dark figure emerged from behind a large tree nearby.


In the backyard of the Su family's residence.

The dark figure knelt down on one knee, respectfully bowing to Wei Ting.

The three kids sat beside Wei Ting, grooming a young horse.

The young horse was very obedient.

And so were the kids.

They were their mother's favorite little darlings.

The arrival of the dark figure didn't elicit much reaction from the three kids. It seemed routine to them, almost uninteresting.

However, the dark figure looked at them with surprise, momentarily unsure.

In his memory, the three young masters were thin and frail, always fearful and anxious.

But now, they looked more like ordinary children, well-fed and carefree.

"What news do you bring?" Wei Ting asked calmly.

The dark figure lowered his voice. "I... didn't take action."

Wei Ting furrowed his brow. "Why not?"

"It's not that I didn't want to, but... I didn't have the opportunity," the dark figure explained with a hint of frustration.

He had imagined himself delivering a heroic speech like, "When injustice rears its ugly head, I will be there to fight it! No need for thanks! Farewell, for now!"

But alas, the Su family didn't give him the chance to showcase his skills.

Wei Ting wasn't particularly surprised. "You may leave."

"But, Master!"

"They have returned."

And just like that, the dark figure vanished into thin air.

If Niu Dan were there, he would surely be dumbfounded. But the three kids remained calm, continuing to groom the horse.


After returning home, Su Xiao Xiao enjoyed a round of hugs and kisses from the three kids - her little bundles of joy.

Then, she began testing her father's right hand strength and wrist strength.

Without specialized equipment, Su Xiao Xiao relied on ancient methods. Her father used to train with clay, wood, stones, and weights.

Before his injury, his grip strength was impressive. He could crush a stone with ease.

After the injury, he couldn't even crush an egg.

Su Xiao Xiao brought out some clay. Her father easily molded it.

Then she brought out a bamboo tube. With a bit of effort, he crushed it!

Lastly, she had him grip a weight. With ease, he lifted two.

Considering the weight of the weight, this was equivalent to seventy catties!

For a patient with a disabled hand for many years, this was a miraculous improvement!

Su Xiao Xiao had confidence!

The punch just now was definitely more than seventy catties. But of course, punching and gripping were different. Besides, it was a burst of potential under crisis, not his usual state.

But Su Cheng was confident!

The day when he could lift a two hundred catty broadsword was getting closer!

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