Chapter 46: An Angelic Defeat

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"It's not you that I love ..... It's her"

And as if the whole world crumbled right before her, Hiyori's heart broke to pieces that were for sure irreparable.

Swallowing all her love, she looked up and still smiled.

"I understand, Thank you Satoru


And she walked away not knowing what she would've done for him to choose her.


Hiyori arrived at the sight for her mission and right before she entered the facility, she knew something was not right.

She went in alone and put down a curtain.

" Curse Amplification:Sou Ten"

And all her surrounding froze trapping some cursed spirits along with it, however, for some reason it wasn't sitting right with her.

She feels like there's more to this mission than just trying to exorcise a probable special grade.

For an hour, she made no progress on moving forward towards the location of the cursed spirit. Using her Insight, she realized that she was trapped on some kind of an incomplete domain.

"An incomplete domain huh......maybe it really is a first grade ..... Or just a newly evolved special grade"

Realizing she would just waste her time trying to find a loophole to this wide ranged incomplete domain, she let out a breath and outstretched her hand.

"Domain Expansion: Tēn no Ikari"

The curse's domain broke and it was revealed. Just like Hiyori thought, it was a newly evolved special grade with a great amount of uncontrolled cursed energy.

"No wonder First Grades couldn't get you out .... Coward"

And in a flash, she went past the cursed spirit and slit it's throat.

However, as soon as she took down her domain, a white feather went past her cheek, cutting it.
With her eyes widened, she quickly dodged the other feather's that were coming her way at a really fast speed.

The cursed spirit descended from the heavens, its wings stretching wide. Hiyori felt a shiver down her spine as the spirit's otherworldly glow illuminated the rooftop. It spoke, its voice ethereal yet chilling, "Hanna Hiyori, your elemental tricks won't save you. I am a force beyond your comprehension."

'How can a cursed spirit know me'

Hiyori tightened her grip on her sword, determination etched across her face. "We'll see about that."

Without hesitation, she raised her sword, commanding the air around her. Whirlwinds spiraled into existence, encircling her like a protective barrier. The Special Grade Cursed Spirit lunged forward, its wings slicing through the air as it aimed for Hiyori.

"Wind Blades!" Hiyori shouted, directing the swirling gusts toward the incoming spirit. Razor-sharp currents clashed with the celestial being, creating a symphony of clashes and roars that echoed through the night.

The spirit gracefully dodged the attacks, leaving a trail of luminescent feathers behind. It mocked, "Is this the extent of your power, Hiyori? Pitiful."

Unfazed, Hiyori shifted her focus. Flames erupted from the ground, encircling the spirit in a fiery vortex. The angelic creature navigated the inferno with uncanny agility, its movements fluid and mesmerizing. Hiyori clenched her teeth, realizing that defeating this opponent would require more than her usual tactics.

Hate How Much I Love You//Gojo SatoruWhere stories live. Discover now