Chapter 41:Together

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"The girl's visiting more often now, hasn't she" Hiyori nudged Suguru as they both walk pass Satoru and his long term fling girl, Asahina, the girl Satoru was with when Hiyori first came to Tokyo after living in Kyoto for awhile.

"He's also been going out on a lot of solo missions on his own.... maybe having the girl is taking out some of his stress" Suguru replied.

" think so?"

"What? Of course not.... look how bored his face is everytime they see each other."

"Then why does he continue to meet her if he's annoyed"

Suguru giggled at how inquisitive Hiyori was becoming of the topic.

"Hiyori, just say you're jealous "

"Actually .... I I'm jealous that he's been spending more time on his own and would rather be with her than us"

Suguru looked at Hiyori and smiled for a little.

"Things have changed a little Hiyori....You know how it's been for us lately"

"Well yeah, I get are we not hurt too?"

"Stop complaining already.... just let him be... he'll soon realize what he's been doing"

Suguru says as he puts his hand on Hiyori's head as a form of reassurance. And as they both walk off, Hiyori looked up and stared at Suguru.
With her eyes filling with sadness she asks.

"How have you been lately then Sugu?"

"Hmm? What do you mean?"

"Sugu you don't look so good yourself.... your eyes look dull you know" Hiyori says as she stopped and Suguru stopped jus a few steps in front of her.

He looked at how she was genuinely worrying about him and so he did what he always do.

He smiled a bright smile hiding away all pain that have slipped through his expressions.

"I'm okay Hiyori don't worry about me"

"You're too kind for your own good Hiyori" Shoko says as she put her cigarette on her mouth taking a sip.

"What do you mean?"

"Come on.....Hiyori everyone knows you like him....actually everyone questions why to be honest.....but you're here feeling miserable because he's being distant with you but not with another girl"

"That's exactly the case Shokoooo..... Everyone knows it but him okay.....I don't even know if he noticed it even for a bit.... it's like...... he forgot all those promises he made with me"

Shoko just continued on finishing her smoke and looked at Hiyori apathetically.

"You said  he's already changed a lot from when you first came here......"

"Yeah and he just....changed even more.....I don't even think I know a lot about him anymore....."

"Seriously if he's making you feel like this, why stay in love with him?"

Hiyori looked up at Shoko before smiling a sad smile.

"He.....Sato's all I've got Shoko...." tears unknowingly welled  up on her eyes.

Hate How Much I Love You//Gojo SatoruWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu