Chapter 44: Positive

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"What's with you and the idiot?"


"Come on Hiyori, it's so obvious even someone who wouldn't normally care, like Nanami, would wonder"

"What are you talking about Shoko" Hiyori replied with a giggle trying to cover up.

"*sigh..... Come one.... it's been a at least a month that the two of you were ignoring each other, what the heck happened"

Hiyori just looked at Shoko trying to reassure her with a smile.

"It's really nothing, we're just exhausted from going on individual missions these past days"

With that, Shoko knew she wasn't gonna get the answer she wanted, maybe not now.

"By the way where's Sugu?"

"I don't know, like you and Satoru, he was also having solo missions not as much as the two of you though, I haven't seen him for days so I think he's still out"

Hiyori looked down with a sad expression. She was worried that Suguru would feel like he was being left out, especially now that Satoru was having back to back solo missions. The three were never really paired up again ever since the incident with the Star Plasma Vessel nor have they even been paired up by twos. So ever since then, it was all just individual missions and they would all just see each other at school if they had time.

"Do you think he's okay?"

"Who, Suguru?"

Hiyori just hummed as an answer.

"Maybe, I don't know, I rarely see him on campus and at times when y'all are free that's also the time I'm not so it's hard to be with y'all"

Hiyori once again looked at Shoko with a quite sad smile.

"I'm sorry Shoko"

"Nope, it's okay, it's not like you don't want to see me, it's just that we all have something to don't worry about it" Shoko replied with a smile.

The two continued to walk down the hallways whilst telling stories about what had been transpiring from each other's missions.

And their laughs filled up the hallways without them realizing that it would be their last.


Another month has passed from all the students just going on missions after missions.

However Hiyori was now stuck at her own home feeling sick after just waking up. She threw up numerous times and her stomach was just not feeling right.

Hiyori was conflicted. She didn't even have bad food because she was constantly going out to eat on her favorite restaurant and it was unlikely that she would get this from her food.

And just then another thought crossed her mind.
That night from two months ago.

And her eyes widened.



Hiyori just walked out of the hospital crumpling the papers she had on her hands.
She was trembling and her eyes were starting to tear up.
She didn't know what to do.
She didn't even know what to think.

She was simply just so afraid from what she found out.
It was nerve-wracking.
And it was terrifying.

But most of all it was heartbreaking.

Hate How Much I Love You//Gojo SatoruOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant