Chapter 45: Confession

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"The sorcerers who were first dispatched were all First Grade. No one returned from the 13 we sent so we don't really  have additional information"

Hiyori was reading the initial report about a curse in an abandoned church in Sendai. As she flipped the pages her eyes continue to narrow and her brows furrow in confusion.

"Who made the sighting report? If what's in here is correct then we shouldn't have lost 13 people?!"

"*sigh...the higher ups gave the mission. We don't really have access to the people who actually saw the curse. As written in the report it's a Semi-First Grade Curse.....however"

"A Special Grade......"

Yaga and Hiyori stayed silent at their own assumption.

"I wanted to at least have you be accompanied by Suguru or, personally, it's better to have you paired up with Satoru rather than going alone.....*tsk.....those damned higher ups"

Hiyori continued to scan the short report.

"I'll do it .....I mean, I don't have a choice but to do it."

"I asked them if I can assign someone to go with you but they denied and sent Satoru and Suguru on a mission the same date."

"It's okay Yaga-san.....I can do it"

Hiyori looked him straight on the eyes with determination and confidence.
She stood up and walked out the door.

"I am the strongest" she smirked as she closed the door.


*Flashback to when Suguru and  Hiyori were at the hill

Suguru's eyes were as wide as they can be.
He can't register what the woman had just said.


Just the mere thought of a child borne from the 2 Strongest Sorcerers were to be reckoned with.


Hiyori looked away at the distant city light as she herself still can't believe it.

"I- I don't know what to do Sugu"

"Wait.....Hiyori, are you really sure?"

She handed him the papers and with some help from the moon, he saw his confirmation.

"*sigh.....this is dangerous"

"I know" she replied in a whisper.

"I know you're still overwhelmed l, I am too.....but this can't be good. Not for you. Not for the baby. Not for the whole Jujutsu Society."

"Trust me Sugu.... I've been swallowing the fact that I'm pregnant with a Gojo's baby. Moreover, Gojo Satoru's baby for the whole day and I still can't or rather, don't want to admit it's true"

They both fell into silence still feeling the weight of the fact.

"Are you sure it's his though?"

" Curse Amplification: Hell--"



Suguru just laughed and Hiyori soon followed. The heavy atmosphere was lifted and was turned to a lighter one still with the weight of the situation , but at least the burden has somehow been not as heavy.

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