Chalter 21: Torture

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".....You haven't bleed out as much as I did"

The curse was petrified and horrified by how intimidating Hiyori's words were. And he was for sure scared and positive that she was gonna exorcise him in just a few seconds if she felt like not torturing him for using the Relic.

They all felt the curtain being lifted which means Gojo probably had broken it for him to actually enter the scenes.

He took care of the guy that was fighting Gakuganji and he actually thought he could give Hiyori a hand but was telepathically told off by her.

'If you try ruining my fun, I'm gonna kick your ass, Gojo.'

'Fine, fine. Just make sure you exorcise the spirit and don't make him suffer too much. You're quite scary you know, Hiyori'

'Shut up'

"I don't have enough time for this bullshit really, but when it comes to torturing some spirit like you who had the guts to actually use the one thing that makes me go crazy, I'll gladly clear my schedule for you" she stated.

"Hiyori-sensei" Yuuji whispered is worry that she was acting out of herself.

This wasn't the Hiyori he knew. The Hiyori he knew was kind even to the spirits and she would've just killed the spirit quickly and not even think about torturing the damn thing.

"Hiyori-sensei...what are you saying?"

"Brother...." Todou said as he held Yuuji's shoulder to stop him from interfering the scene that was currently playing out in front of them.

"But why?" Yuuji asked.

"I heard she was attacked with the Devine Relic last time, am I correct?" Todou asked.

"Yeah....when she and Gojo-sensei fought two special grades. She exorcised the one who was targeting her and when they were about to exorcise the other one, that guy came and hurt her. I heard she was attacked by that Relic" Yuuji explained.

"*sigh...Brother....Hiyori-san might be kind, and all, but she's crazy when she's mad. I heard that she was nearly killed by the Devine Relic in the past. That's why they sealed almost all of it. But two were missing. They probably used it on her. And now, maybe her trauma is what keeps her form getting her kindness to act. Maybe it's better if we leave her be."


"She's strong Itadori Yuuji, she cannot be defeated by some curse that is stupid enough to attack her and let her go alive. Trust her. If you get in the way, you may as well as lose your life trying to stop her"

Yuuji reluctantly nodded and stood at the sideline as to not be on Hiyori's way.

She started to attack the curse while the curse was desperately trying to guard itself from the desperate attacks of Hiyori.

'What's with this strength. Every passing minute, her hits hurts more than the hit before it. Is she getting stronger by the minute....Impossible'

The Curse talked to itself internally and asked why Hiyori was getting stronger and stronger

The only thing that was on its mind was to make a plan for him to escape. But every single thing it thinks about, Hiyori would instantly shut it down by beating it up and preventing it from escaping.

"I told you already, I'm gonna make you bleed as mucha s I did. Don't run away. You were the one who voluntarily came here and asked for a beating." She continued to attack with her fist, kicks and her sword.

"I'm pretty tired you know...maybe we can end this quickly.....your not so important that I have to clear my schedules just to hear your unfascinating screams."

She held out her hand over her head and her cursed energy was released.

"Elementum Technique: Fire's Rage"

And with that, a large gust of blue flames hotter than any other fire was projected towards the cursed spirit.

Smoke covered up the area and flames had burned the trees on its trajectory and the things near it. Even the ground turned black from the heat making the stones turn into ash.

After the flames died down, trees were still burning and nothing from the trajectory was left unburned.

"Curse Amplification: Cold Gale"

As Hiyori commanded, a cold wind gracefully passed their skins and extinguished the fire that was still burning the forest and it made the temperature on the area to drop to normal from becoming too hot.

"That bastard is actually good at running away" Hiyori stated.

"Huh? he ran away? Even after that?" Yuuji asked confused.

"Yeah....I don't really exactly know how but her ran away. Just before by flames even touched it's skin. But the heat probably burned it's skin and damaged it"

"So I guess it's over"

"Yeah... let's head for the others. Are you two okay? No major injuries?"

"Yes sensei"

"Come here"

The two came towards her not knowing what she was planning to do.

"Reversed Cursed Technique: Negation"

The sparkling white light covered up the bruises and wounds the two had on their bodies and they felt the warm sensation of the pain being reduced.

"Go to Shoko just in case. My Reversed Technique can only do this much for others and not as much as it does to my own injuries."


"Okay, let's go"

The trio headed towards the entrance to where Gojo and Gakuganji was waiting for them.

"That didn't take too long" Gojo said enthusiastically.

"Shut up"

"Oohhh~~...Are you pissed that it got away? That you didn't get that chance to torture it?"

"Gojo, if you say one more word....You'll be the one receiving the torture"


She grew a tick mark on her head and just want to pounce on the super playful man child who she didn't really want to deal right now over the stress.

"Anyways, the students are safe for now. I'm thinking Shoko has probably finished patching the injured students."

"In Any case, we don't know the motive of the infiltration. And for it to be executed on this particular day is suspicious" Utahime said just after arriving.

"Yeah. On this day, we are mostly gathered at school looking over the competition but....the motive is the real question. The special grade curse was fully aware that it would lose once it faces either me or Gojo."

"That was pretty obvious considering they put up two curtains specifically for me and Hiyori" Gojo intersected.

"Something is definitely up...."

".....and it's not something good"

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