34. Nasty Business

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Gregor didn't want to leave vaera without saying all the things he wished he had said from the start. He knew they would find Joffrey dead and he knew that he wouldnt be able to hide that it was him. Who else could smash the twats head in?


"yes?" She answered eagerly.

"I love you." Gregor declared. Vaera reached out a hand for him and he held onto her.

"I love you." She agreed reaching a hand up his chest until she found his face, dragging her thumb over his chin pulling his face down to hers for a breathtaking kiss.

"I killed the fucker." Gregor admitted. Tywin tensed. "since I'm confessing, I'm also fucking your daughter... I love her." Tywin sucked in a sharp breath, trying to remember to breathe.

"I..." Tywin opened and closed his mouth, shaking his head. "I want you to take Vaera and go home to casterly rock." Tywin decided.


"Vaera loves you, you protect her, Joffrey was awful...." Tywin remarked. "You are the only person in the world after myself that I trust with Vaera completely... so if you want to wed my daughter, you have my blessing." Gregor never thought himself the marrying type. But he wanted forever with Vaera. "So take Vaera home. Don't come back to the capital, I will handle this."

"Okay." Gregor agreed easily as he headed out. Okay, Tywin would handle it. He would handle it. Joffrey was dead and Tywin was going to what? Lie for him? Protect him? Korge was wrong, all those years ago he told his son, Gregor that no lords or ladies gave a damn about them. That they would let the lower houses drown at the first fault. But gregor killed the king and Tywin was willing to cover up what Gregor did. House Clegane was always loyal but Korge told him again and again they were nothing compared to the lannisters. 

Gregor knew that his father knew nothing in that moment because Tywin lannister was the most powerful man in westeros and he was going to protect Gregor... thanks to vaera's love for Gregor. 

Maybe vaera was the most powerful woman in westeros because if Tywin lannister had a heart, it belonged to Vaera. 

Gregor started packing and Vaera jumped up not hearing him come in. 

"What's going on?" 

"We are leaving, I'm packing your shit." Gregor answered. 


"Where is that- never mind, I got it." Gregor threw more things into her bag. 

"What do you mean we are leaving?"

"I killed Joffrey and now we got to go." Gregor remarked packing up Vaera's things at top speed. She blinked back at him.

"You bashed his head in. Told him he wouldnt hurt me again." Vaera said distantly and Gregor dropped the bag turning to her.

"Aye." He agreed. "You saw that?"

"Last night. I saw it in a dream." She agreed softly, she never knew what was her imagination and what was real until something actually happened. Like Tyrion's possible arrest, she kept him from the rest of the wedding preventing him from fulfilling the prophecy but maybe it was just a weird dream. She would never know. 

"I would do it again... did you see your father giving me his blessing to marry you too?"

"What?" Vaera declared reaching out trying to get to him. 


"You gonna propose?" Vaera questioned when she finally found him.

"I was thinking about it." Gregor agreed.

"Stop thinking and start doing." Vaera commanded, he kissed her and she tasted his smile on her lips.

"Marry me gorgeous."

"You are going to have describe everything for the rest of our lives!"

"That's where your mind goes." Gregor agreed.

"Yes! Yes, marry me now! We need cookies!"

''Lets get out of here first before we celebrate."

"Right, killing kings is nasty business."


Things I Wish You Said / Gregor Clegane / Vaera TargaryenМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя