22. Demons and Cookies

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Loving yous a little bit hard sometimes / Bruce Banner out now!

'Stannis has more ships more fleets more armies than we have... what do we have?' Tyrion asked as they walked.

'That mind of yours that everyone keeps talking about?' Bronn suggested

'I've never been actually able to kill anyone with my mind.' Tyrion reminded him.

'good thing or else I would be out of the job.' Bronn remarked. 

"Open." Gregor instructed. Vaera moaned when he broke off a piece of cookie into her mouth. 

"So good!" vaera declared licking the chocolate from her lips. "We should do this every day!" 

"You are going get a tummy ache if we do this every day." Gregor informed her. 

"No, my tummy loves cookies, I only get tummy aches for veggies." Vaera answered honestly. 

 'What about your father?' Bronn suggested.

'He hasn't sent a raven in weeks he is humiliated at being repeatedly humiliated by Robb stark.' Tyrion told him. 'we won't be able to hold the city not with the way joffrey-' Tyrion began but a speaker shouting, preaching in the streets caught his attention.

"Where to next? Where are those brownie cookies I like?" Vaera questioned but jumped as something shouted out beside her. She flinched into Gregor and he held her closer. 

'CORRUPTION! we reap what we sow and it is foul.' The man shouted 'Brother going to bed with sister, in the bed of kings and we are surprised that the fruit of incest is rotten?' A man shouted his people rallying around him. 'A rotten king!'

'Yes a rotten King!" the crowd agreed.

"Maybe we head back." Gregor suggested. "I dont like riots when you are beside me." 

"You like them otherwise?" Vaera questioned. 

"Sometimes." Gregor admitted. 

'Hard to argue with his assessment.' Tyrion agreed.

'After what he did to your birthday present...' Bronn remarked

'the king is a lost cause, it is the rest of us I am worried about now,' Tyrion told them.

'To a twisted demon monkey!' the man went on.

"WHo is he talking about?" Vaera questioned. Bronn smirked when he saw Vaera, he leaned over to keep an eye on her. 

''You have to admire his imagination' Tyrion said a small grin on his face as he listened to the man ridicule his elder sister.

'he is talking about you they think you are pulling the kings strings' Bronn informed him.

'Blame me? I'm trying to save them.' Tyrion reminded him. Bronn licked his lips watching vaera head back to the castle. 

''You don't need to connive me. ' Bronn told him.

'Demon monkey? what are you looking at- BRONN!" Tyrion shouted. "Thats my sister!'

"And she is wasted on the mountain." Bronn added. "I would rather be guarding her." 

And to think that Vaera was having such a good time. She found a raven for Gregor that she didnt know was for gregor and asked Cersei to read it to her. 

Cersei hesitated reading it through. 

"What is it?" Vaera questioned. 

"It's for Gregor." 

"Oh... sorry, I didnt realize, i felt the lannister sigil and thought it was from father-"

"It is from father." Cersei agreed. Father wants him back." Cersei added. "The war is coming and-"

"I just got him back!" Vaera whined out. "It isnt fair! he can't take gregor again!" 

"He's a person Vaera not a toy." cersei reminded her. 

"Exactly, which is why he can't just keep taking gregor! Gregor is mine!" 

"He isnt yours Vaera." Cersei corrected. But he might as well have been.

"Damnit Gregor." Vaera whispered he knelt before her and she reached out grabbing his shoulders. "Are we alone?" She whispered resting her forehead against his.

"Aye." He agreed, closing his eyes and breathing her in.

"I don't want you to go... there are so many things..." She stopped herself swallowing the lump building in her throat.

"What?" Gregor questioned, she tipped her head forward her nose brushed against his.

"Things... I wish... I could say but I don't have the words." Vaera offered after a long moment.

"I'm coming back. Tough fucker Vee." Gregor assured he pressed a rough kiss to her cheek before getting up. Vaera didn't move, she pouted back at the spot where he had knelt. "Vee." His gruff voice met her ears, her head turned to where he had moved. She listened to his footsteps getting closer. He lifted her chin up to him, looking in those beautiful green eyes.

"I will be back."

"What if you arent?" Vaera countered. He knew she couldn't see but he could see her beautiful self, look upon her sweet smile and wide eyes, he could see the hurt written all over her face at the news that he had been summoned away. 

"The war is coming, Vaera." Gregor reminded her. "I need to fight to protect you. I need to get back to your father and see where he wants me... I'm leaving so I can keep you safe." Gregor reminded her touching her cheek. 

"I know, I know but I dont want to never see you again!" Vaera declared holding onto him. "I... I dont want you to go out there and fight and... and... lose." 

"If I'm not out there, we lose. Not just me but you. They breech the walls and baby you get hurt." Gregor corrected. 

Baby, Vaera didnt have to think about it because he was kissing her cheek, long and lingering. 

"Vaera I will be back but I need to go because I need you safe. I need to get the bad guys so i can get you safe." Gregor demanded. "I dont want to ever leave your side." He assured. "I just want you." 

"Then be back soon and kick ass in the meantime." Vaera agreed. 

Gregor left, then Myrcella left, and everyone wished it was joffrey on that boat to sun spear. Myrcella held a little crocheted lion that Vaera had made for her as they sailed off. Vaera held to Cersei's hand as she sobbed, her baby girl gone just like that. 

"I will hurt you for this. I will-"

Vaera pushed her words from her mind as she listened to the waves crashing against the shores. It was so peaceful out here. it reminded her of home. Of casterly rock. She loved being out by the shores. The gulls wings flapping and sparrows chirping, the boats on the water and in the harbor, the sound of the paddles against the water. Vaera tuned out the cries and whimpers and Joffrey's attitude and focused on home, she could almost transport herself back to the rock when she had father and gregor beside her and they were safe. 

Things I Wish You Said / Gregor Clegane / Vaera TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now