31. Cupid

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Secret love all the things we do, secret love baby me and you gotta secret love, love, love, vaera hummed out happily. She loved Gregor. She had for a long time and hoped he felt the same. He spent all his time with her, he held her long into the time. He tended to her every curve and every mole.

"Earth to vaera?" Tyrion waved a hand in front of her even though she couldnt see it. Her face turned to him and she blinked three times. "You alright sweetie?"

"Perfect." Vaera assured.

"If i didnt know any better i would think cupids arrow got you." Tyrion remarked.


"You know the tale of cupid?"

"No. Not really." Vaera countered.

"Cupid is, quite literally, the child of the goddess of love, Venus. If you are hit by one of the arrows Cupids arrow it is said it causes the person struck to fall in love." Tyrion informed her.

"I wasnt hit by an arrow." Vaera laughed out

"Another tale says that A person wounded by the golden arrow is filled with uncontrollable desire, but the one struck by the lead feels aversion and desires to flee."

"Flee?"  She was wounded. Was she love struck while gregor was just... she had to know. She loved him but did he love her.

"There your mind goes again, Vaera." Tyrion remarked. "Where does it drift off to?"

"I..." vaeras breath hitched.


"What if i was hit by cupid?" She agreed.

"Oh honey its just a myth like white walkers and-"

" dragon dreams?"


"People- the dragons the targaryens that... could see the future prophecies and what not." Vaera offered cautiously. She had a dream about tyrion and she was worried what it meant.

"Just myths." Tyrion assured. "Dont worry your little head about it."

So she tried her best to push it from her mind and focus on happier pursuits like the upcoming wedding although she wasn't so sure how happy it would be. After all joffrey was a menace.

But she didn't do herself any good worrying about the future, and think she could not control. Like she didn't know we're going to come true or not. She could only focus on the hair and now and right now she found her guard and friend and lover looming behind her.

She knew where he wanted to go because she wanted to go there too, so they walked arms grazing as they headed to her chambers.

She liked how much he wanted to be closer to her  how he had to touch her when they were walking, even if it was just the graze of his finger against her arm or his hand on her back. He wanted to touch her.

Even in the most innocent and simplicit of ways. She liked their relationship, was both sweet and grew up a friendship and turned into something more something dangerous and sexy.

"Wedding is tomorrow." Vaera remarked. "Can you help me pick out a dress?" Gregor nodded. "I'm going to assume you agreed."

"Aye." Gregor agreed. she held up two options. "I think I need to see them on you."

"Are we alone?"

"Aye." Gregor agreed. Vaera let her dress fall to the ground.

"When are you going to kiss me again, Gregor?" Vaera questioned. He needed no more encouragement. It was never just a kiss with her.

Gregor plowed into her, burying his face in her neck as he nails her to the mattress. And all she could do was cling on, with her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck as he fucked her better than she could have ever even dreamed was possible.

They lay in bed, facing each other, which feels strangely personal even after what they had just done. But as she traced her fingers over his jaw, he looked at ever little detail of her delicate face. Wishing she could see the love in his eyes the love he felt for her.

"Gregor do you love me?"

He blew out the candle and settled beside her. He couldnt say it out loud but he loved her he loved her so much it hurt.

Things I Wish You Said / Gregor Clegane / Vaera TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now