12. Dreamt It

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There was no reason to stay according to Robert so they packed up and got ready to head out. Vaera heard joffreys wails that morning and asked tyrion what she had heard. Tyrion countered he got what he deserved.

"Deserved worse actually but," tyrion added with a shrug.

"You hit him." Vaera realized

"Oh my vaera darling." Tyrion chuckled "I will miss you and your smile when i head up to the wall."

"Are you coming back?"

"Of course. I just want to..." he hesitated. Vaera forced her smile to remain.

"See it. Yes." Vaera agreed. "Well memorized every detail for me. You can even write it down and send it so you don't forget!" she suggested " I want all the details. Do you think you could do that for me?"

" it would be my honor to be your eyes."

Warm hats and scarves were replaced with long sleeves dresses and lightweight cardigans the farther they got south.

Jaime was scouting ahead. He made it all the way to casterly rock until to get word that tywin wasnt even there.

"He's not home, he's dealing with business at Harrenhall..." jaime remarked when he rode back to catch up with the group. It would save them a ride west if vaera didnt want to go home alone.

"Come back to the capital with us." Cersei encouraged. "You see father- you are with father every day." She clarified. "Come on, he can pick you up when you grow bored of us, we will write him and let him know we are home when we get there."

"Okay." Vaera agreed. "Gregor?"

"Im with you." Gregor assured.

And he was with her. He slept beside her every night. Every morning that she woke she was snuggled tightly into him. Then they were on the road again.

Vaera used to love carriage rides but now the bump of the wheels against the uneven path made her nauseous and dizzy. She preferred to ride with gregor. She felt like she had more control when his arms were around her.

"I'm sorry Ser... why doesnt he answer me?" Sansa was questioning as Vaera passed she bumped into a wolf. 

"Oh hello." Vaera extended a hand and Lady licked at her palm. "You are a sweet one, where is your furry friend?" 

"You are scaring my lady, hound!" Joffrey barked. 

"Hi pretty, I'm assuming you are pretty you have the softest fur," Vaera went on, Lady rolled onto her back and Vaera knelt down to better give her belly rubs. 

"You want to trade?" Sandor questioned, Vaeras head turned slightly at his voice. "I can learn to be your seeing eye dog..." he clarified. "Gregor can take Joffrey." 

"I quite like Gregor's company." Vaera corrected. "But I'm sure if you spoke with Cersei and told her how Joffrey treated you-" Sandors laughter cut her off. 

"They all treat me like this." Sandor corrected. "You dont... you talk to me like I'm a person." 

"From what I recall, you are." Vaera teased, still petting Lady. 

"How did Gregor get so lucky?" Sandor grumbled. 

"I tripped over my balcony." Vaera admitted. "Gregor caught me."

"Shit." Sandor blurted out. "Really?"

"He has been with me ever since... he was there when... the horse kicked me too... that day that I lost my sight." Vaera added softly. "Gregor was the last thing I saw before it all went black." Sandor didnt know how to answer to that. Gregor had been there for her, saved her, been the last face she saw before she couldnt see. Vaera turned back to Lady assuming Sandor walked off. 

"I'm glad," Vaera's head jerked around at his voice, unsuspecting. "He's good to you..." Sandor admitted. 

"He is the very best, I dont know what I would do without him." 

The fires were lit and Arya was missing, the night seemed to drag on and Vaera had a head ache. She closed her eyes rubbing at her forehead when Cersei saw her. 

"Sweetie you dont need to stay up for this." Cersei assured her. "Go to bed. joffrey will be fine." She added even softer. 

"Are you sure? I hate to leave in a time of need." Vaera countered. 

"Go on, Ser Gregor!" Cersei summoned him closer. "Take Vaera to her room for the night, she is tired." Gregor nodded reaching out for Vaera, she turned into him, grabbing his arm. 

"You alright, vaera?" Gregor questioned softly. She nodded closing her eyes as they walked. 

"Just a headache." 

"I will fetch a master." Gregor offered. 

"I just need sleep." She countered. "I will be fine." Vaera had a sip of wine at Gregors request and then fell right to sleep. Her dreams were filled with firelight and blood and screams. She didnt sleep long. She shot up in bed and Gregor got up moving to her. 

"Gregor? Gregor!" Vaera demanded he touched her arm settling her. 

"I'm here." He assured. 

"Gregor, let the wolves go." Vaera requested.

"What?" Gregor countered.

"I had a dream about the wolves... let lady go."


"That's her name, send her away, you have to do it now, before its to late." Vaera begged.

"What are you-"

"Go, please... just... trust me."

When Ned got to the stables Lady was gone, he glanced around only to see Vaera standing at her window staring at over the tree tops. She wouldnt know what happened to Lady, she wouldnt have seen a thing. 

"Well?" Vaera questioned hearing the door open. 

"She's free." Gregor agreed. Vaera smiled to herself. "You were right, the queen wanted her dead..."

"Because the wolves are dangerous." Vaera agreed. "Even though Lady didnt do anything wrong." 

"Aye." Gregor agreed. "How did you know?"

"Same way I knew Bran would fall." Vaera offered. "I dreamt it."

Things I Wish You Said / Gregor Clegane / Vaera TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now