11. I Saw It

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Winterfell was beautiful. Vaera could just tell. She woke up late after the feast and explored. Touching everything. She felt the cravings in the wood and metal engravings. Gregor kept a hand on her as they moved.

Ned watched her cautiously. Vaera was an enigma. Sure people were blind, mute and deaf but the Lannister name had always resembled strength. Never showed a weakness and a Lannister without sight seemed like a weakness.

Ned knew that vaera was loved. Tywin legitimized her.  Something ned could never do for jon. Despite her blindness her siblings loved her still.

Ned knew that if Vaera was his daughter sansa would be a bitch to her. He just knew it. Sansa wouldnt be sweet and ever doting like the queen to her baby sister. Bran would probably still try to have her watch him climb and rickon would be a little dork about. Asking questions any child that had never met a blind girl would.

Vaera was very patient with all their questions no matter how silly they were or how many times they asked are you really blind?

"Stark is staring at you." Gregor grumbled. Vaera turned bumping into gregor. He held onto her shoulders running his hands down her arms.

"Which one? There are many." Vaera countered.

"Lord stark." Gregor barked. Ned cleared his throat as he approached

"Hello lady vaera, Ser Gregor. I hope you slept well." Ned offered.

"Oh yes. Lovely. Thank you." Vaera agreed. After tossing and turning and getting used to a new bed, new sounds, new everything she slept away the morning. 

"Please let us know if you need anything." Ned added. 

"Thank you, I will." Vaera agreed. Ned nodded before turning around, then he spun back to Vaera. 

"Good day." Ned added. "I-"

"Goodbye Lord Stark." Vaera agreed. Ned felt bad, so much of his own conversation was done through body language. He glanced back at the silent mountain of a man behind Vaera before heading off. 

"Shall we explore some more?" Vaera pondered. 

"Whatever you want." Gregor agreed. Vaera reached for him and he took a step forward helping her find his arm. "Led the way." 


Supper was kidney pies. Vaera didnt like the taste at first but it grew on her, Gregor ate most of her meal, she preferred the dessert table to real meals.  Her fathers voic rang out in her head. 

Sugar goes right through you, you burn through it too quickly, you need protein. Vaera poked at her kidney pie leaning into Gregor. 

"You want something else? This is good stuff." Gregor assured. 

Sandor had never seen his brother talk so much in his life. Sandor had been glad for an escape from the rock, from his brother when the king needed a guard for his son and heir but Joffrey was no walk in the park. 

So seeing Gregor again, talking and smiling and doting on Vaera, it was a strange sight to see. 

"I'm just tired, I didnt sleep well."

"You slept like a rock." Gregor corrected. 

"Yes but its... hard. You know, new sounds, new orientation of everything, its draining." 

"Alright." Gregor agreed getting up. He gave her shoulder a squeeze and she rose up carefully, he helped her step over the bench. "Lets go then." 

"Leaving already?" Tyrion questioned. 

"I'm tired, busy day exploring." Vaera agreed. 

"Alright then I will interrogate you tomorrow on why I'm the only one that didnt get a hat for winterfell." Tyrion mused. 

"I made you one but it was too small so I gave it to Rickon." Vaera corrected. "I did a single stitch instead of double. I'm working on it." Tyrion chuckled. 

"I know it will be perfect." Tyrion offered kissing her hand. 

"I will work on it tonight." Vaera added before heading off. "Thank God you are here Gregor. I cant tell right from left here it seems. I would be running into walls."

"It's what I'm here for." Gregor agreed pushing open her door. Vaera cautiously moved to the bed as Gregor closed the door. She stumbled into it not realizing how far she had moved into the room. 

"You alright?" Gregor questioned when she grumbled out. 

"Yes, yes, just hurt my leg, Im fine." Vaera plopped down and stared that glossy eyed stare back at him. "Come sit." She pat the space beside her. Gregor moved to her kicking off his shoes and climbing in beside her. "Oh can you hand me my-" he held out the yarn, it touched her fingers and her words silenced. "Thank you. And my-" the needles grazed her hand as well. "Marry me, mind reader." Vaera declared. Gregor chuckled soft in his throat and Vaera blushed turning towards her yarn, trying to find her last stitch.  Vaera didnt recall falling asleep but Gregor moved her yarn and needle away from her so she wouldnt get hurt and stroked her hair as she slept. Vaera was too good for this world, too good for him, certainly.

Vaera woke up panting for breath. Gregor moved swiftly to her side.

"Gregor!" She rasped out choking for breath. "Gregor!"  He sat beside her on the bed grabbing her hand.

"I'm right here." Gregor assured.

"Oh Gods, I had the most awful dream..." she choked out.

"The nightmares are back." Gregor whispered. "We shouldn't have come here, you didn't get these dreams back home."

"Bran fell from the tower." Vaera remarked. "He... saw something he wasn't supposed to and he... was... he didn't fall.. He... he did fall though..." Vaera shook her head at the picture of Bran laying motionless before her. "He's a cutie. Brown hair, big smile..."

"If you like kids I suppose." Gregor answered. "Just get some sleep, it was just a dream, the boy is fine."

But the next day Bran fell just like Vaera had dreamt.

"I saw it!" Vaera declared.

"You prophesied it." Gregor mused.

"Yes. No. I dont know but I swear I saw it!" Vaera declared.

Things I Wish You Said / Gregor Clegane / Vaera TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now