6. Strength to Smile

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Vaera and Gregor fell into a rhythm together. She liked his company even if he didnt say much, she liked that he was there. She was learning to do certain things blindly, like sewing, she was making a blanket right now, she was always running cold these days. Every time she missed a stitch she grumbled undoing a few stitches before feeling more closely for the right loop. Gregor always made sure she had her yarn right beside her. 

"You know those needles could be a good weapon." Gregor remarked. 

"A weapon? What would I need a weapon for, I have you." Vaera countered. "My own person friend and weapon."

"Friend." Gregor repeated softly. 

"We are." Vaera agreed, turning to face him. Gregor nodded slightly as he stared back at her, she stared in his general direction and he knew she was waiting for him to say something but he didnt know what to say. "And you keep me safe..." SHe didnt want him to feel like he was just a guard, because he was more than that. "You might be my best friend." She added after a long moment. Vaera wasnt good with silence but she was surrounded by it usually. "Gregor? Are you still here?" Vaera questioned. Gregor stared back at her. 

Hand holding in the park, rough fucking in the dark. That was what Gregor wanted. 

"I'm here." Gregor agreed. He watched her smile his eyes stuck on her lips. "Lord Tywin said you didnt want a party this year." Gregor remarked. Vaera was good at skipping her name day, she used to love how her father had the castle decorated for her name day but now it just made her said. Her father got her all the yarn she could ever want in all different colors even if she couldnt see them, he knew she would want something pretty. 

"Daddy is having a cookie cake made for me." Vaera countered. "Thats more than enough, I dont want a party with people I dont like.... I have you and daddy and Tyrion. What else would I need?" Gregor nodded leaning back in his chair before getting up. Vaera tensed looking his way. "Gregor?"

 "I'm here." He agreed. "I um... I got you something though... I will right back okay?"

"Okay." Vaera agreed. She fingered the yarn finding her stitch. "What number was I on?" Vaera mumbled to herself when Gregors heavy footsteps came back, she put her needle back down and turned to his footfalls. He sat on the edge of her bed and she reached out a hand as the bed shifted. Her fingers grazed his thigh before resting on his knee. 

"Here." Gregor held it out and vaera reached out blindly for it. She pulled her fingers back when she accidentally strummed the strings. "It's..." 

"An instrument." vaera realized grabbing it again. She lay it face up in her lap and strummed purposefully this time. "Oh Gregor its lovely." 

"Figured you could..." he shrugged. "You know."

"Thank you." Vaera agreed. She smiled down at the strings as she plucked out a tune of her own making. 

"The lady said... you hold it like..." Gregor reached out and adjusted it in her arms. "And your fingers go... if you wanted." He pulled back shifting awkwardly beside her. It would be so easy to take her right here, he was half sure she wouldnt even fight him but he was meant to protect her and he didnt want to hurt her. He had to put some distance between Vaera Lannister and his needy cock. 

Tywin peered in at them as Gregor rose up moving back to his chair. Vaera smiled down making up her own chords and humming along happily. 

"Happy name day my princess." Tywin declared. 

"Daddy look what Gregor got me!" Vaera exclaimed. 

"A little guitar." Tywin agreed. "It's beautiful. That was very generous." 

"It has engraving," Vaera added running her fingers over the wood. "I can feel the detailing." Gregor stared back at her. Tywin smiled glancing to Gregor. He was clearly smitten with Vaera but he knew better than to overstep. 

"You are a good man, Gregor." Tywin added patting his shoulder. Gregor stared up at him. He didnt think anyone had ever said that about him. 

"Only the best for Lady Vaera." Gregor answered instead. 

"Daddy come sit with me." Vaera requested reaching out for him. "We can play together." 

"You are sounding so lovely my darling." Tywin added kissing her temple as he sat. He wrapped an arm around her and Gregor excused himself knowing Vaera was safe with her father. He stood outside the door listening to her laugh, he closed his eyes and imagined a life without his eyes, surrounded by darkness and didnt know how Vaera found the strength to smile. 

Things I Wish You Said / Gregor Clegane / Vaera TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now