30. Stunning

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"Hello Lady Vaera," Loras purred falling into step beside her. He rarely had a moment alone with her but Gregor must have been shitting because he wasnt with her. "It's Ser-''

"Loras Tyrell, yes I remember your voice." 

"It's a good voice?" Loras mused. 

"A very handsome and distinguished voice." Vaera agreed. 

"I was hoping we could get to know each other more." 

"You are to marry my sister, I think you should be getting to know her." 

"I... thats the thing." Loras agreed. "I dont have a connection with Queen Cersei like I do with you..."

"We have a connection?" Vaera countered. She barely had two conversations with him.

"Yes. I... dont you think?"

"No." Vaera admitted. "I'm sorry but I dont know you." 

"Thats why i want to get to know you, you are so beautiful and i stumbled upon your crafts, you are quite skilled." He added. 

"Thank you."

"I was hoping we would... get to know each other more and maybe you and I could-"

"vaera." gregors deep voice met her ears and her smile widened as she turned to him. 

"I'm really sorry Ser Loras but I have prior engagements this morning." Vaera lied. 

"We will have... a mid day meal today perhaps?" 

"I... will let you know." Vaera agreed. 

"What was that?" Gregor barked. 

"He's just being friendly." 

"He fucking asked you out." 

"I mean, yes." Vaera agreed. "But I said no."

"Did you?"

"Not in so many words." She admitted. "But i dont want him" She assured. 

"No is one word." Gregor grumbled. 

"I know that but I'm not good with conflict." Vaera countered. 

"Yes well... I'm great with conflict." Gregor assured. 

"Dont do something silly." Vaera requested. 

"Never." Gregor assured. Murder wasnt silly it was serious business.

"Oh you are not Vaera." 

"Good catch." Gregor agreed marching towards Loras.

"Is she coming? I know we would get on great." Loras added but Gregor didnt care for his charms, he wanted to destroy the little punk.  

"Listen here cock sucker." Gregor barked shoving loras back. "You dont go near vaera again. Ever again!" He shouted his voice booming.

"My gran says im to woe her and marry her. You are her guard not her father." Loras corrected boldly from the ground as he scurried to get to his feet.

"You stay away from vaera. She is not your plaything."

"Is she yours?" Loras countered. 

"She is mine." Gregor agreed grabbing his skull in his thick meaty hands and squeezing. Loras rasped out arms flailing before his skull crunched and he went limp. Gregor threw him into the roses, thorns prickled his skin, blood trailed along his fancy clothes. Gregor marched off unphased, he went to find Vaera.

It wasnt long before Loras was found. 

"Oh my GODS!" Margaery cried out. 

"Margaery whats-' Olenna nearly fainted at the sight. 

"Whats that?" Vaera questioned. 

"Nothing." Gregor assured. "Come on, you were going to..." she smiled as he pulled her hips into him. "Every inch right, I have a location I want you to start." Vaera giggled following him back to her chambers. 

"Tell me if i'm doing it right." Vaera requested. 

"Any time your lips are on me you are doing it right." Gregor assured. Her lips trailed down his chest and she tuned out the screams outside the window. 

Her knees hit the floor. His gaze follows her as she traced the thick vein down his shaft. His breathing grew heavier as she replaced her hand with her tongue. She was tentative at first, tasting the slightest hint of his arousal mixed with something addictive. She cupped his balls with her free hand and gave them a squeeze. His hips surge forward. Arousal coated her tongue and she laved at it, switching between deep sucks and long strokes of her tongue. His hands dig into her hair, his desperation growing as her tempo changes. She was addicted to the man he became with her in private, so unlike his usual quiet, withdrawn self. Because when the walls come down, he's voracious. Greedy. As selfish during sex as he is in a tourney.

It shouldn't turn her on this much, but she was a lost cause to their desire when it came to him. He was quickly becoming her drug of choice. She wanted him always, needed him with her constantly. She liked feeling every inch of him. His heavy breathing. Their battle for control, she felt like she had control for the first time in a long time as she took control of his cock it was like she held all the power. The way he groaned her name like it was a blessing and a curse.

His entire body shudders as she gave him one last pull with her mouth. He lets out a hiss of air when she released him and crawled back onto his lap. He blinked up at the ceiling with a hazy gaze.

"This is highly inappropriate." she realized but she would do it again.

"We haven't even gotten to the best part." he smirked back. The smallest smile graces his lips.

"Are you going to show me or tell me?" she pondered.

"Show. Always show. But I want feel you now." he assured. She trailed some kisses from his lips to his neck. His hands slid up her dress, disappearing beneath the layers of fabric.

"You're so stunning that it hurts to stare at you for long periods of time." He leaned in and kissed the spot on her neck that single motion stole her breath away. Her entire body warms from his confession. Maybe because she knew that he was not the kind of man who offers meaningless compliments or flowery words. Everything he says had meaning, and he called her stunning. 

"Stunning." Vaera whispered. Gregor nodded kissing her again. 

Things I Wish You Said / Gregor Clegane / Vaera TargaryenKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat