33. Plan B

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Olenna didnt get her wish... Joffrey beat Margaery that night, chained her up and whipped her before shoving his tiny cock inside her. What had Margaery gotten herself into?

Plan B, Olenna needed a plan B, her plan A should have worked, what happened?

Margaery whimpered wrapping her arms around herself. She just wanted to be the queen and this certainly wasnt what she expected. She thought it would be glamours but this was... painful and bloody. She tried her best to cover the bruising and cuts but it was nearly impossible.

Vaera stood basking in the sun. She soaked up the warmth she could feel the sunlight sparkling over her. She heard fast approaching footsteps and the scoff that clearly belonged to joffrey and she sucked in a tight breath.

"Pathetic. You are a waste of space." Joffrey hissed marching off. He rammed into vaera sending her stumbling back, she caught herself on Gregor.

"Thank you." Vaera whispered.

"Hes a dead man." Gregor countered.

"Hes just a whiny little boy. It doesnt bother me. I... i think i would like to go back to casterly rock. Back home however." Vaera admitted. Gregor nodded turning her around.  "Its just... he has gotten more insufferable."

"That he has" gregor agreed easily.

"I would miss my family but maybe tyrion would come with and you would keep me company... we wouldnt have to hide." she added. Gregor liked that thought. Being able to kiss her as he please. Gregor led Vaera back to her chambers but couldn't stay. She reached out for him confused.

"I need to do something." Gregor countered.

"Will you come back?" Vaera questioned staring towards his voice.


Gregor took long strides to get to Joffrey's chambers, he was alone, like an idiot, so foolish, thinking he was untouchable, his guards were not present. Gregor hated what he had to do meant losing Vaera but he was sick of this awful little boy tormenting his vaera.

Gregor pushed open the door with a slam and JOffrey jumped before seeing who it was. Gregor slammed the door closed behind him and joffrey stood up, trying to make himself taller.

"What are you doing here mountain? I didnt summon you." JOffery hissed.

"You were cruel to my Vaera." Gregor barked.

"And?" Joffrey countered. "I'm the king, what I say goes. Now go." Joffrey corrected.

"No, no one hurts my vaera."

"She is my aunt-"

"And you treat her like garbage." Gregor's voice boomed and fear filled joffrey.

"I'm the king."

"I'm a fucking pissed off man." Gregor countered.

"You killed loras." Joffrey realized.

"I did." Gregor agreed easily. "And I'm going to kill you to-"

"I'm the king! You can't-"

"Watch me." Gregor corrected. He took joffrey's face in one hand and dug his fingers into Joffrey's eye sockets. He screamed out but Gregor broke his jaw in the process and muffled his screams. Eyes gone, mushed out, joffrey was blind. He fell to his knees sobbing out.

"Vaera wasnt given a choice, she was lucky she survived and you made her feel like an enigma." Gregor barked. "She is the most wonderful person in the world, never did anything wrong, never hurt you and yet- you! YOU LITTLE CUNT! Think that you can bully her off of something she had no choice in."

"I'm the k-k-king." Joffrey tried to say but he was gurgling up blood.

"You are nothing." Gregor corrected. "But a dead man..." Gregor let joffrey suffer a moment longer. He liked the idea of letting joffrey's pain extend for weeks to moons even but he knew someone would come looking for the king and he still had to say goodbye properly to Vaera.

"I would have loved to kill you ten times over but knowing you will never hurt my vaera again will have to be enough." Gregor realized. Joffrey whimpered out shaking his head best he could. "Dont fight it... or do for all I care." Gregor smirked. "No one will remember you Jeffrey."

Gregor picked joffrey up easily and broke his skull with an easy crunch.

Things I Wish You Said / Gregor Clegane / Vaera TargaryenNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ