13. Dragon Dreams

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"Have you ever heard of dragon dreams?"

"You are Lannister." gregor countered.

"Have you heard of them?"

"Not really."

"Meaning you have but you don't remember what they are." Vaera agreed.

"Aye." He grumbled.

"I need to go to the library, you need to be my eyes, Gregor.

Like a good love, struck man he searched the library for, until, in the very depths in the darkest corners, covered in dust he found what she had been looking for. He pulled the old book from the back of the shelf, and she coughed out as dust flew around her. he smacked the cover more dust flying around as he usher her behind him.

He stared down at the cover as he wiped off the remaining dust particles. A history of dreamers it read.

" I think this is it." he answered the leading her to a couch in the corner of the library. She reached out for the armrest, backing herself up against it and took a seat.  She waited for the couch to shift to as he sat beside her. She tipped into him as his weight, sunk the couch down.

" all right what does it say?" she questioned eagerly.

" this is a whole lot of words," He countered "you want me to read all of them?"

" I don't know what I'm looking for. All I know is Dragon dreams were supposed to be prophecies. I have been prophesies the future in my dreams when bad things happen. Like when little Brandon fell. Or the wolves." she offered. " they aren't just coincidences they have to mean something."

" but aren't dragon dreams supposed to be you know for dragons for Targaryens?" Gregor reminded her.

" why did they get to have all the fun?" she smirked back at him.

" all right then I suppose I should get to reading." She grabbed his hand, giving it a tight squeeze

" thank you, not just for this, but for everything. Thank you, Gregor."

He didn't answer with her with words he didn't know what to say whenever she thanked him. Instead, he wrapped an arm around her, pulling her into his side.

He read the passage along while before he came across some thing that sparked her interest 

When Daenys Targaryen was still a maiden, she had visions, including a powerful prophetic dream that Valyria would be destroyed. Her father had enough faith in her prophetic abilities to relocate his family to Dragonstone. Valyria and all the other dragonlords were destroyed twelve years later." Gregor read off. "You think you are a witch or something?"

"Two of my dreams came true." Vaera whispered. "What if I'm... what if... I'm having dragon dreams."

"It's for Targaryens, you are Lannister." he reminded her for it felt like the millionth time as if she didn't know she was Lannister. She was Lannister proud.

"I was born a bastard. My father never told me who my mother was." Vaera countered.

"You are royal? Your mother was some long dead, Targaryen, princess ?" Gregor questioned. Vaera shrugged.

" my father always said I was as pretty as a princess ." She offered big eyes staring up at him big green eyes.

"You know the king wants all Targaryen's dead." Gregor countered

"Which would be why my father kept it a secret." Vaera agreed. " if my mother was someone from the Targaryen line-" Gregor hushed her.

"We are not alone, don't speak of this in public." he begged.

"Fine... can you keep reading? Even if this isn't what I have, it's still interesting."

They spent all day in the library reading through that book . all the documented dragon dreams throughout Targaryen history... vaera wish she could add her own dreams to the book. She was confident she was prophesying the future as well.

Things I Wish You Said / Gregor Clegane / Vaera TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now