24. Tea

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Vaera was fast sleep late into the next morning, with some help from a bit of a sleeping draught after she couldnt fall back asleep after her attack. 

Gregor had barred her door and held her that night but when Tywin came to check on Vaera the next morning, Gregor was stood outside the door like a proper guard. 

"You stick with, stay by her side. I dont trust the tyrells." Tywin reminded him. 

"yes, M'lord." Gregor agreed. Tywin glanced back at a sleeping Vaera. 

"I will have some food sent up for you both." Tywin added. 

"And some cookies." Gregor suggested.  Tywin smiled softly. 

"Of course." He agreed heading off. 

Gregor sat on the edge of Vaera's bed running a heavy hand over her leg as she slept. His little vaera could have been really hurt. He was never leaving her again. She was beautiful. But Cersei's title of the most beautiful woman in westeros should have been passed to Vaera. Her long wavy blonde hair, her hazy green eyes. She was stunning. 

'Why have we stopped?' Joffrey demanded peeking out of the carriage gates, last time they walked back from the sept things ended badly so this time they were protected yet they were stopping in the middle of the streets. Joffrey was king, he shouldn't wait for anyone.

'It's lady Margaery your Grace.' The knight told him.

'What is she doing who gave her permission?' Joffrey sneered.

"Will this boy ever shut up?" Gregor growled. Since Sandor had tucked tail and ran off Gregor had been requested to join Joffrey on an outing with his new bride to be, Margaery. Since Vaera assured him that she was staying in her bed he begrudgingly agreed. Joffrey didnt like that Gregor thought he had a choice in the matter.

'My lady we should have guards my lady.' Margaery's handmaiden called after her.

'Why?' she asked as they marched through the streets they were coming back from the sept when Margaery noticed an orphanage. 'Pardon me,' she said sweetly walking around a large man dung was being dropped onto the streets in front of them, dumping their waste, not on them but in the streets, Margaery looked down at the mess in front of her. Margaery's face pinched just the slightest. Gross, gross, gross, Margaery thought with disgust. 

'Stop my lady you will ruin your dress!' Her handmaiden said but Margaery marched right through.

'I have others.'

"Fuck this." Gregor corrected heading back to the castle. He didnt trust the Tyrells, didnt like the tyrells, didnt want to be apart from Vaera. 

Vaera was sitting on her bed, staring down blankly at her little stringed instrument, she plucked at the strings. Gregor felt himself relax at the sight of her. Then he closed his eyes, taking a deep breath. When he opened his eyes Vaera was staring at him. He knew she couldnt see him but her gaze was aimed at him. 


"You came back fast." Vaera remarked patting the spot beside her. 

"Aye well... I missed you." Gregor agreed taking a seat. 

"I bet you wish sandor was here so Joffrey stopped barking at you." Vaera added. 

"Aye, for that reason only." Gregor agreed. 

"I dont like sharing you." Vaera admitted. "I only agreed because I didnt want joffrey to make your life miserable." 

"Dont you worry about me." Gregor countered. 

"So you dont have to be his guard again." Vaera decided. "Because I miss you when you are gone." 

"I'm not going anywhere. That shit head can die on his own." 


''Make it work, Lord Baelish.' Tywin snapped. He had many plans for the future and he needed the world in his hand for it to work. Robert Baratheon had fucked up enough before his death, tywin was going to fix westeros. 

''Titles do seem to breed titles.' Petyr acknowledged.

'You will leave for the erie as soon as possible and bring lysa aryn into the fold and the young wolf can add the Aryns to the list of people who is taking up arms against him.' Tywin informed him.

"You got a summons." Gregor remarked. 

"From whom?" Vaera countered. 

"Olenna Tyrell." Gregor answered. 

"The grandmother?"



"I dont know, she wants to have tea with you." Gregor read off. 


"Why do women jibber jabber and drink tea?" Gregor countered. "Tea is piss water." 

"I like tea." Vaera corrected. 

"It's no ale." Gregor countered. 

"Thats why I like it. I can't handle my ale like you do." Vaera laughed out. 

''Far be it for me to hinder true love,' tyrion added 'but Lord Baelish's absence would present certain problems the royal wedding may end up being the most expensive event in living memory. Summer has ended hard days are a head. It is not a good time to leave the kings crowns finances unattended.' Tyrion reminded them.

'Fully agreed' Pycelle added. 

''Which is why I'm naming you the new master of coin'' tywin told him.

'Master of coin?' Tyrion questioned flabbergasted. 

''it seems to me that is the best position that suits your talents.' Tywin added smugly. Was it a good idea? Probably not but he needed Tyrion to be put to use and out of his hair. Then if something went wrong, Tywin could blame Tyrion. 

''No I'm quite good at spending money.' Tyrion reminded him, 'but a lifetime of outrageous spending has not taught me about managing it.'

'I have no doubt he will prove equal to this challenge.' Cersei told him.

"Hello my dear, I'm Olenne Tyrell." 

"Hello." Vaera answered turning towards her. Olenna knew someone without eyes was more likely to know more than someone with sight, because they had to pay attention. Vaera Lannister was a good person to have in her corner. 

"I want to know all about you!" Olenna declared. "We are to be family." 

"Not much to know." Vaera countered. "But I would love to hear about high gardens." 

"Oh just flowers." Olenna countered. 

"Would you tell me about them? The gardens are said to be beautiful!" Vaera declared fondly. 

"You like details." Olenna realized. 

"I really do." Vaera agreed. 

"Let me tell you a story of my grandson, Loras. He is a fine young man. He always brings a flower to his tourney's..."

"I recall Gregor saying Ser loras cheated moons back in the Hand's tourney." Vaera countered. 

"Yes well..." Olenna chuckled. "Cheaters never win, he knows that now."

"Your brother ran off." Gregor hadnt noticed until joffrey was barking orders at him, he wasnt his brothers keeper.

"You sure he isnt dead?" Gregor countered. 

"Soldiers said he ran off at the battle of black water bay." Tywin corrected. 

"Little bitch he is." Gregor agreed. "You want me to get him back?"

"No, you are right where you need to be." He assured glancing to Vaera and Olenna. "What is vaera doing with Olenna Tyrell?" 

"Asked her to tea." Gregor answered. 

"Why?" Tywin demanded. 

"Fuck if I know." 

Things I Wish You Said / Gregor Clegane / Vaera TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now