4. Safe with Me

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"Vaera, love..." Tywin knocked and Vaera's head turned to the door. She hated not being able to see, what was she supposed to do with herself all day without her eyes? "You remember Gregor?"

"Of course... is he here?" vaera countered confused. Tywin hated that she could be looking right at him and not see him, how she turned her head to the left and right when she spoke until she realized where the people she was speaking to was standing. She still tried to face them even if she couldnt see them.

"Yes. Say hello Gregor." Tywin agreed.

"Hello." Gregor added.

"Hi Ser Gregor..." Vaera said slowly and softly, she was embarrassed that she couldnt see, it made her feel weak and vulnerable. She adjusted her body towards their voices.

"Gregor is going to be your new guard." Tywin decided to get right to the point.

"Do I need a guard? I dont do much." Vaera countered. "Not since..."

"You fell from the balcony." Tywin countered.

"They have moved the furniture to the side and are making the railing higher at your request." Vaera countered.

"Vaera, please, for my peace of mind." Tywin begged, kissing her forehead.

"Okay." Vaera agreed easily enough. She reached out feeling around for her plate. Her fingers gripped the edge and she held it out. "You want a cookie?"

"I do." Gregor agreed. "But that plate is empty." Vaera's gaze shifted to the plate, her opposite hand felt the crumbs and she giggled, Tywin missed that smile. Gregor's lips quirked up for a millisecond.

"Oh, then could someone get me more cookies?"



"Aye." He agreed.

"You are so quiet," Vaera remarked. "I never know if you are there."

"I'm here." Gregor leaned back in his chair, knees spread wide and head tipped back to the ceiling.

"Um..." Vaera shifted taking a seat, Gregor glanced her way.

"You need something?"

"I..." she stopped herself, the sound of a word wanting to escape lodged in the back of her throat instead.

"Go on, I'm here to help you." Gregor reminded her.

"I would like to see the horses."

"You sure?" Gregor countered.

"Will you bring me?" Vaera pondered. Gregor nodded. "Gregor?"

"Aye, yes, I nodded. Sorry." Gregor remarked gruffly.

"Yes, please use your words around me. I will be standing here like an idiot waiting for all the things I wish you said me to." vaera half mused.

"You want to go now?"

"I do." Vaera agreed. Gregor grabbed her cloak holding it out for her. Her fingers grazed the soft fabirc.

"It's cold out, you are a little thing." Gregor offered with a shrug.

"Thank you." Vaera answered putting it on.

They walked down the hall and stumbled at the steps. Gregor caught her pulling her back into his chest. Vaera whimpered pursuing her lips. She couldnt get down the damn stairs. Might as well throw herself down the stairs and- gregors action's silenced her racing thoughts. Her feet lifted off the ground and she was pressed against a large muscled chest. He carried her down the stairs and put her back onnher feet once they were down.

"Thank you." Vaera whispered

"Its what im here for." Gregor agreed.

"Being my hero?" Vaera questioned grabbing his arm as they continued to walk. Gregor had to slow his paces for her but even still vaera had to speed up to keep pace with him.

"Alright. We are outside."

"I feel it." Vaera agreed.

"You feel it?"

"The wind. The gravel under my feet. The voices if the knights are louder out here." Vaera offered.

"You feel all that?"

"When you cant use your eyes you use your other senses." Vaera added.

"So you dont need me. Just use your spider senses to get places?" Gregor mused.

"I want you." Vaera corrected.

"You got me." Gregor assured.

They got to the stables and Vaera flinched back at the horses winnied. She had yet to return to the stables. After that stormy night... she had loved animals loved riding with the horses, but she hadn't been back there she couldn't.

To think that this place brought her so much happiness, tending to the horses, grooming them, brushing them, saddling them up and riding them throughout the beaten path . She flinched away. Unable to see them, unable to see what danger was coming.

" I won't let anything happen to you. You can hold onto me." Gregor reminded her. "As long as you have a hand on me. Nothing bad is going to happen. You feel my hand." She gave his arm squeeze as his opposite hand ran soothingly over her back.

" I feel you." she agreed.

" you are safe." Gregor assured. "Go on. Reach out if you want. I'm not going anywhere."

"Can you bring me to custard?" Vaera requested.

" of course you named the horses." Gregor mumbled.

" she's a-"

" the one you always went to. I know. The one you rode the most custard colored. A pretty mare." Gregor admitted as he moved her through the stalls.

" where are you watching me?" Vaera questioned.

" I saw you from time to time." Gregor lied. "Here she is." Vaera reached out a tentative hand. " it's OK you're safe with me."

" hey custard... I'm sorry I haven't been around as much." She tensed as her hand touched his nose.

Safe with me. Gregors words echoed in her mind.

She stroked along his long muzzle a smile curved her lips. Gregor kept a hand on her back to let her know he was there.

Things I Wish You Said / Gregor Clegane / Vaera TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now