29. Get Lucky

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Vaera was on cloud nine for Tyrion's wedding. Of course the bride and groom were less excited but vaera was in love with love.

"You look fucking gorgeous." Gregor grumbled fingering the fabric. Vaera smiled to herself as his hands wrapped tightly around her hips. But her smile faded the moment he let her go. She heard approaching footsteps and knew he didnt want to get in trouble for touching her.

"I wish you could kiss me in public." Vaera whispered.

"Maybe one day." Gregor countered softly.

"Soon?" Gregor shrugged leaving Vaera staring back at him waiting. 

"Come on," He nudged her along and they took their seats. 

"Tell me about-"

"Joffrey is being a cunt- taking your brothers step stool..."  Gregor answered. Cersei hushed him. "She wants to know."

"Why is he taking- never mind, its Joff." Vaera realized. 

"Yes it is me." Joffrey agreed as the ceremony began. "Are you psychic?"

"Just smelt your awful personality." Vaera murmured. Gregor smirked down at her. 

When it was time to cloak Sansa with Tyrion's protection he looked awkwardly up at her not able to reach her shoulders everyone laughed but the snigger died quickly as Tywin shot them a glare. 

"Whats so funny? What did I miss?" Vaera whispered. 

"nothing." Gregor assured. "Just people being stupid." 

"So the typical." Vaera agreed. He nodded. 

'If you could,' Tyrion said and sansa knelt down before him. He cloaked her she rose and he pressed a quick kiss to her lips very awkwardly Sansa looked like she was going to barf, pale and in pain her heart pounding with anxiety and nerves. Vaera could practically hear her shaky breaths as they headed out of the sept, their feet rushing down the aisle. 


'So their son will be your nephew after you are wed to Joffrey of course,' Olena said 'and you'll be the king stepfather and brother-in-law when you marry the King's mother. Joffrey will become his sister-in-law and your son will be Loras nephew? grandson... I'm not sure but your brother will become your father-in-law that much is beyond dispute.' Olenna added. Loras grumbled. "Unless you get little vaera to fall for you." Olenna remarked after telling Loras that he would be bother Margaery's brother and father after his own union to Cersei and Margaery's to joffrey.

"She's a sweet thing with a giant shadow." Loras remarked. They all turned to Vaera and her giant shadow. 

"Let me handle the giant, you woe the girl." Olenna requested. So loras got up but Gregor growled back at him. Loras took a seat beside Margaery. 

"You are not one to quit." Margaery countered. 

"Yeah well I value my head today." Loras griped. 

''You seem rather drunk.' Tywin said as he approached Tyrion, the feast was in full swing Sansa looked miserable. Tyrion looked up to his father, a drunken gaze in his glazed eyes.

'Isn't it a grooms duty, a man's duty to be drunk at his own wedding?' Tyrion questioned over his glass.

'This isn't about your wedding. Renly Baratheon had a wedding, your wife needs a child, a Lannister child.' Tywin told him. Tyrion sat slumped in his chair bored and not nearly drunk enough to have this conversation. 'As soon as possible.' Tywin added.


''If you're going to give her one you need to perform.'' Tywin reminded him.

'What did you once call me? A drunken little lust filled beast?' Tyrion reminded him

Things I Wish You Said / Gregor Clegane / Vaera TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now