Tom's pov

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I lifted Melanie's unconscious body over my shoulder and carried her to my car, as I was driving home my mind came across Eric. He was a dead man for even thinking taking Melanie, I immediately turned the car around and drove to his house.

It was still night and pitch dark outside he was probably sleeping, I climbed out of my car and went inside his house and found his bedroom. "Wakey wakey Eric" I said punching him in the face "ugh get off me!" he said trying to punch me, I pulled out my gun and pointed it directly to his face. "Where is Melanie?" He said with fear in his eyes "that's not your business" I said still pointing my gun at him

"any last words?" I asked smirking "no Tom please I'm sorry please" Eric begged
"too bad" I said shooting him directly in the face, I had blood all over me. I went back into my car and drove home.

I took Melanie out my car and carried her inside to see all the guys were up sitting in the kitchen.
They all immediately looked at me with wide eyes, I ignored them and carried Melanie into the bedroom in the basement, I put her on the bed and locked the bedroom door. I walked back upstairs into my bathroom to wash all the blood off me.

As I was showering I thought of how my life was before all this. Bill and I lived a normal life until one day I when we were 14 years old someone broke into our house at night and murdered our mother and father, I heard screaming and yelling down stairs from our parents bedroom so I ran into Bill's room and woke him up and grabbed his arm. We ran into my bedroom and jumped off my little balcony, we ran so fast away from the house.

I regret running so much I can never forgive myself for running away that day, I should have done something when I heard them break in I should have gone down stairs helping my parents. But I was too scared at that point, that's when Bill and I made a promise to never ever leave each other and never let anyone put us down we made our own gang with Georg and Gustav, we made sure everyone was afraid of us.
Later on I found out who had killed my parents, it was a group of robbers, I found out where they all lived and killed their family first and then I killed them all.

I went out of the shower and wrapped a towel around my waist before going into my closet to get some clothes on, I put on a random t-shirt and some sweatpants. I walked downstairs into the kitchen to get myself a bottle of vodka.
Bill walked over to me "Tom where have you been?" He asked, I ignored his question, I got my vodka bottle and sat down beside Georg and Gustav "we have to do something about the girls" I said

"what?" Bill said looking at me confused "are we bored of them or what?" Georg asked "we all have gotten too close to our sluts and they have gotten to comfortable around here, remember they are not our girlfriend's they are just sluts that work for us" I said seriously while sipping on my vodka "yeah you're right we should just kill them already" Georg said smirking

"no I don't think it's a good idea to kill them" bill said while crossing his arms "we could just keep them around to do the club work and we'll get new girls how about that?" Gustav said "that's a good idea right Tom?" Bill said "fine let's do it, but we will have to move the girls downstairs and take the new girls into our rooms then" I said getting up to leave "fine" Gustav said.

I went upstairs into my room and laid down on the bed, I had to talk to Melanie about the future child thing cash said and that was going to be hard I don't even know if she will say anything to me, but I will make her then.
I was so fucking tired of all this mess. The idea of new girls was a good solution for Melanie to stay inside and not get killed by anyone, I also needed to get my mind off her she was always in the spotlight for everyone, and now she is a big target for Cash and other gangs and people who dislike me.

I laid on the bed looking at her bedside, I could smell her sweet scent from the bedsheets. I wish I didn't walk into that casino that day, but when I did my eyes landed on her immediately, she was the most beautiful girl I've ever seen.

Her dark hair and her beautiful brown eyes. Something about her made me feel so connected with her, if she got hurt I got hurt.  Tomorrow I need to be prepared for cash to do whatever shit revenge he is planning because I killed Eric, I honestly might just kill cash myself he was such a treat to Melanie it made my mind spin just knowing he walks around.

Author note: Yo sorry for short chapter I have no motivation ya'll sorry but I will poste more or not.

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